Chapter 2: Carson Goes Missing

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 There was a loud beeping noise that was beginning to drive Jackson out of his peaceful slumber. He opened his eyes, groggily, blinked a few times and then assessed the situation. He was in a hospital room, hooked up to strange machines. From out of the corner of his eye, he saw his reflection in the mirror.

He was covered in black and purple bruises all along his face, jaw, and neck. But that wasn’t the worst part. He could clearly see that his neck and shoulder had been heavily bandaged and gauzed. He inhaled sharply, the events of that night coming into clear focus.

He saw the gray wolf above him, ripping out his throat, and then pouncing on his best friend as he laid there helpless as the wolf began to tear out Carson’s throat.

“Oh my baby.” Came his mothers soft gentle voice as she took Jackson into her arms. Jackson winced in pain, and she quickly let go. He stared at his mother and saw that she was exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes, her cheek bones were sunk in, and she looked small and delicate in her baggy t-shirt and jeans. Jackson tried to speak, to ask what had happened to Carson, but all that came out was a croak.

“Don’t try and talk, baby. The doctors said the accident damaged your vocal cords. You won’t be able to talk for a few weeks. Here,” she said, rummaging in her purse where she pulled out a notepad and pen, “use these to try and talk.” She handed him the notepad and pen.

“What happened?” He wrote, handing the notepad back to his mother.

“The paramedics found you in the woods. There were wolf tracks surrounding you. The wolves must’ve heard you coming and felt threatened.”

“Did they find Carson?” He wrote.

“Carson?” She asked confused, “No, baby. The EMT’s found only you.”

Jackson suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He knew Carson had been there. He had seen the wolf attack the two of them. So where was he? Was he dead in the forest somewhere? Had he been taken off somewhere and finished by the wolf pack? Would he ever see his best friend again?

His mother pushed back aside a strand of his midnight black hair and sighed.

“I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried.”

He could relate.

Throughout the next few days, Jackson felt as if the doctor’s and nurses were always flooding his room to make sure that the “boy who survived the wolf attack” stayed alive. Jackson thought he was doing fine. His bruises were healing nicely, and so was his neck and the doctors said that his collarbone was beginning to heal back to the way it should.

After a few weeks, Jackson was finally released with the promise that he would be very sore and that he wouldn’t be able to talk for another few days.

Once he got home, he tried calling Carson’s cell phone. There was no answer and it went straight to voicemail. Jackson knew something wasn’t right, but everyone around him was acting like Carson being gone was no big deal.

Thanks to his injuries, Jackson wasn’t allowed to do much, other than to lay around and watch movies and play video games. He also waited for Carson’s call, but that never came.

Finally, after a week of doing nothing, Jackson was allowed to go outside and be a regular person again. He had decided he was going to visit Carson’s home, and see if he couldn’t get to the bottom of what was going on.

“I’m sorry, Jackson. He isn’t here at the moment. He is staying with his Aunt in California for a few more weeks.”  Said Ms. Delmont after Jackson had asked where Carson had gone.

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