Carson ruled the school with more arrogance than ever before. Jackson was beginning to loose his best friend, and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
He had slowly begun to drift away from Carson and Carson’s followers. Instead, he began eating lunch by himself and hanging out with himself- and himself alone.
On top of loosing his best friend, he was getting less and less sleep due to his nightmares. They varied each night, but the end result was still the same. He would change into a wolf, and then stare at him with his ice blue eyes and then run off into the night.
Things with Rosie had also taken a turn for the worse. His bravery had been fleeting, and she had seemed to stop making an effort. And because he was too wussy to do anything about it, she was now dating a kid named Blake. How could things have gone from so wonderful to so messed up in a matter of a month?
The bell rang, and Jackson quickly gathered his things and headed to the lunchroom. Plastered everywhere in the hallways were the posters advertising the Masquerade dance that was being held on Friday the 13th. At first the idea had seemed really appealing to Jackson, but after loosing Rosie to some kid named Blake, he had no intentions of going.
Finding his lucky table in the back, Jackson sat down and let out a long sigh. He pulled out his iPod from his backpack, put in his ear buds and decided that today was a Brandon Flowers kind of day. Once his music situation settled and was up as loud as it would go, he pulled out his lunch which his mother had so lovingly made for him. She had made his favorite. Today it was a peanut butter sandwich complete with a pudding snack and bottled water. He pulled the sandwich out and began to eat.
“Did you hear about Kate and Greg?” A girl asked, so vividly, Jackson was sure there was someone behind him. He quickly turned around and saw no one there. He shook his head and began eating.
“Are you ready for the math test?” Came a male voice from the opposite side of the cafeteria. Jackson dropped his sandwich and didn’t move. Something weird was going on. He shouldn’t be able to hear the person across from him, let alone someone on the other side of the room.
He stood very still for a moment, and just listened. Ever so gently, he removed his ear buds, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.
All around him was a dull put pulsing hum. If he focused hard enough on a certain area he could catch small glimpses of conversations. There was nothing monumental being said, but Jackson still couldn’t fathom/understand what was going on.
“So, are you sad that Jackson hasn’t asked you to the dance yet?” Rosie’s best friend, Stephanie asked. Jackson opened his eyes and listened intently.
“I don’t really care about the dance, Steph. I just want him to ask me on a date.”
“He is kind of wussy, isn’t he?”
“But he’s also really cute, I think I…” Jackson would never get to know what Rosie thought. He was shaken from his meditation, by Carson, who slapped him on the back.
“Hey buddy. I haven’t seen you around in awhile.”
“Sorry, man. I’ve been super busy.” Jackson said, coldly.
“Trying to get all those college applications done?” Carson teased.
“You know it.” Jackson could almost hear the venom in his voice.

The Werewolf
WerewolfJackson and Carson have been best friends since they were little boys. The two of them were inseparable until the night they had been bitten. Now Jackson must make a choice. Does he sacrifice his morals and his beliefs for his best friend? Or does h...