Charcters Part 1

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-Isabella Marie Anderson
Played by Kristen Stewart
Age- 42
Relationship- married to Christian Anderson

-Christian Tyler Anderson
Played by Alexander Skarsgard
Age- 45
Relationship- married to Isabella Anderson


-Brandon Tyler Emmett Anderson
Played by Greg Finley
Siblings-Jake and Rosa
Notes: Brandon is the oldest out of all his siblings and he likes to play Football and soccer. He is very fun to be around. He takes absolutely no responsibility. He likes to prank his family. He like to play a lot of video games and could play for hours.

-Jake Jasper Carlisle Anderson
Played by Daren Kagasoff
Siblings- Brandon and Rosa
Notes: Jake is the middle child he is careless and free and he just wants to have a great time with his life. He's very relaxed and chill. He loves to read and could stay in his room and could read for hours.

-Rosa Alice Esmeralda Anderson
Played by India Eisley
Age- 16
Siblings- Brandon and Jake
Notes: Rosa is the youngest child and is over protected by her brothers. She loves to shop and loves reading about cars. She is very caring and loving. She is the responsible one out of her siblings. She loves read and listen to music. Rosa plays the piano and sings.

More characters will come!!

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