Chapter 3

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   By second hour, she had calmed down from the ordeal that had happened earlier that day. Asher wasn't there, thank god! The teacher had moved her to a different seat anyways, she guessed the principal had talked to him. Third hour rolled around, and Lynn told the teacher about her dilemma, Mrs. Smith wasn't too happy about it but she agreed to let her go. "Oh, now what to do... Wait, if it isn't too much to ask, Jade would you replace her?" Mrs. Smith asked, hoping she'd say yes. "ME?!"Jade said surprised. "Yes, I am truly sorry but we can cut down some lines so you can memorize them by Friday..." She told her. "Ummmm...." Jade paused for a minuet or two. "I guess so...." She finally responded. She had totally forgotten about the kissing scene she had to do with Johnny. "GREAT! Here's your lines, we're gonna finish up the second half of the play. You memorize your lines. When we're done, if we have time, we can go over the kissing scene." The teacher said happily. They went through the rest of the play, and wouldn't you know it, there was enough time to practice the scene once! "Okay, I know you both probably never talked before, but just bare with me on this. This kiss has to look real and believable. ACTION!" the teacher said to them. They went through their lines perfectly. When it came time for him to grab her and kiss her... they looked deep into each others eyes, he pulled her closer, and they kissed. In that moment, she felt something. Something real. As they were pulling away, Johnny whispered in her ear "Meet me backstage." she replied "Okay."

   They met backstage in a dressing room. "Listen, I'm usually not the type to speak whats on my mind, or bring something up... but.... but this needs to be said!" Johnny said with a nervous look on his face. "What? It's okay! You can tell me anything." Jade said, moving closer to him. "Hey! please don't do that!" He said, backing away. "I'm sorry.... I can't help it..." Jade said, embarrassed. "Okay. So..... What I'm trying to say is... Well.... That kiss... I... I... I felt something, I didn't feel it with Lynn..." He said so nervously, he was almost crying. "Hey, you don't gotta be nervous! I felt the same thing!" She said, trying to comfort him. They stared at each other for a while, until Johnny broke the silence. "Until we figure things out, I don't think we should be around each other..." Jade looked confused. "Well what about the play? The KISS? We have to act like we're in love!" Johnny replied to her, saying. "You can call in sick."  Jade was angry now! "I'm not gonna call in sick, just because you think it awkward because we both got the same weird feeling!" She said to him. Johnny was kinda embarrassed, but angry too. "Listen, I just don't think we should be around each other... That's all..." He told her. Jade was furious now! "THATS IT?! Oh, wow! You know, I actually thought you were nice and cool! Now I know you're just a jerk! I don't even want to be in this stupid play anymore! I don't care to talk to you anymore, especially KISS you!" Jade yelled. Before Johnny could even say he was sorry, she stormed off. She didn't see him again, until her 7th hour art class.

      "Okay everyone! Listen up! For this next month, we will be painting, but not individually. You will work with one other person on this to come up with an amazing piece of art. You may chose your partner but there are rules. 1: Only two people per group. NO EXCEPTIONS! 2: They must be from this class. Okay everyone, find your partner!" Said the art teacher. Of course, Jade had this class with Johnny, but she paid no attention to him. She went around to different people in the classroom, but everyone already had a partner. She went to the teacher and asked what to do. "Mrs. Rose, I'm sorry but I don't have a partner and everyone is taken..." Mrs. Rose looked at her and replied, "Well, that's odd considering there is an even number of students and everyone is here." She said. "Attention! Is there anyone without a partner?" One hand shot up. Who's was it? Johnny's. Mrs. Rose said "Oh, perfect! Jade, this is Johnny! He's an amazing artist and I think you'll get along well!" Johnny slightly smiled at her, but she scowled at him. Mrs. Rose told the class, "Oh, and I also encourage you all to go to each others houses and work on the painting there because you won't have much time to put in detail here at school." 

   Jade and Johnny sat next to each other at a empty desk, but Jade refused to even look at him. Finally, Johnny broke the silence. "Listen, I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier, and I can tell now that you really wanted to get to know me. So, maybe this art project is a way for us to actually talk." Johnny was really hoping for her to agree with him, but instead, he got... "I really do not want to talk to you! Don't expect me to talk more then I have to, and when I do talk, it will be about the art and nothing but that. Got it?" she said, coldly. Johnny looked at her, almost in tears. "Come on! I'm sorry, okay?! I had no right to say that shit to you because now that I think about it, it just sounds really dumb and mean! Please give me another chance to actually be nice to you!" Jade looked him in the eyes for a minuet. "I'll think about it." She responded as she turned her head away again.

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