Chapter 9-Lilili Yabbay

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It was bright and early the day of the music video shoots. I checked all the boys and made sure everyone had eaten. I let them know what time their cars would be here to take them to their shoots and that I would meet them at the time of their shoots.

"Okay Hoshi, Dino, Minghao and Jun! Grab your bags and lets get in the van! Your shoot is first up!" They all quickly made their way out and headed out to the van with me following in toe. I left my number up on the fridge at the house and told all the boys to add me to their contacts and let me know if they needed anything.

It was a fairly quiet drive to the shooting for "Lilili Yabbay" I could tell that the boys were so sleepy so I let them nap on the way there. I made small talk with the driver along the way and I heard my phone go off. I looked down to a handful of messages from some of the members just letting me know who they were so I could save their numbers.

I saved each number but then a strange message caught my eye.

???: Youre beautiful and you make each day brighter.

I smiled at the message but was curious as to which member sent it to me.

Y/N: That's very sweet of you. May I ask who this is so I can save your number? (:

I waited for a bit and eventually got a reply as we pulled into the location for the shoot.

???: Just someone who wants you to keep smiling all day. Have a wonderful day, beautiful.

How strange. I guess they wanted to stay secret. Well it couldn't stay that way forever considering Ill eventually have everyones number except for one. I chuckled and started shaking the boys awake. They rubbed their sleepy eyes and started getting out of the van and collecting their things. They followed me to hair and makeup.

They all took their seats in their chairs. I put my stuff down and went up to Dino and put my hands on his shoulders, "Youre gonna do great today Dino! Fighting!" I gave his cheek a quick squeeze and small wink before I walked to Minghao and rested my hand on the back of his chair, staring at him in the mirror.

I smirked and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Try not to show up the other boys too much today Mr. Martial Artist." He laughed a bit and gave me a thumbs up and I patted the back of his head and made my way to Jun.

I leaned down only slightly so we were staring into the mirror on the same eye level. "Daebak! Jun you look so beautiful! No one will be able to keep their eyes off you today! Try not to break too many hearts." I playfully winked and he hid his face shyly and I giggled before making my way to Hoshi.

I decided to play a small prank on him so I stood in front of him with my arms crossed trying to look very serious. "Now listen here Hoshi, you haven't been totally on your game so I need you to keep up with the others and not make them look bad!" I said sternly and I saw his face go pale. Well, paler than it already was.

                "Y/N I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to let you down!" he sounded so sad that I broke out laughing and held my stomach

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"Y/N I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to let you down!" he sounded so sad that I broke out laughing and held my stomach. "Why are you laughing?" he said while pouting.

"I was just playing with you Hoshi. You've been flawless as ever. I just felt like messing with you." I pinched his cheeks and he broke out into a big smile that showed off his signature 10:10 eyes.

                "Ill make you proud Y/N!" he then took the boys and they all got changed into the most beautiful all white outfits

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"Ill make you proud Y/N!" he then took the boys and they all got changed into the most beautiful all white outfits.

We all marched out in front of a beautiful old building. The concept of this video was to do the entire take in one shot. If anyone could do that, it would be the performance team! The direct called action and I watched from a TV behind the scenes and I watched in awe. They were doing so well. Moving so in sync together.

                Dino was feeling himself in this music video and it showed

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Dino was feeling himself in this music video and it showed. I couldn't help but blush while watching him. He may have been younger than me but in this video he was making sure everyone knew that he was a full grown man.

                The video finally ended and the director called cut and I ran out to the boys giving out high fives all around

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The video finally ended and the director called cut and I ran out to the boys giving out high fives all around. "You guys were so perfect! I cant believe we only needed one take! True professionals you are!"

They all looked super proud of themselves. "You boys can go ahead and go get changed and we will meet back at the van before I head to the next shoot!"

They all smiled and nodded before heading off to change. I went to collect my bags and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Dino standing there with a smile.

"Whats up Dino?" I asked with a smile.

"Did you watch me, Noona?" he stared into my eyes and I felt my face start to heat up.

"I sure did! You all were wonderful." I tried to keep my composure and then he leaned in and whispered into my hear.

"No, Noona, I meant did you ONLY watch me. I want you to, from now on." Feeling his hot breath on my neck made my face go completely red and when he pulled back he gave me a quick wink before running off to change.

I stood there motionless for a second before patting my face to try and focus on the situation at hand. Aish! That kid needs to stop messing with me.

I hurried back to the van and once everyone had gotten in, we headed to the next shoot for "Pinwheel". I was trying to forget what happened back there but when I looked into the rearview mirror, I saw Dino staring at me and he shot me a quick wink before I looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

This kid I swear....

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