Chapter 1

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Did you ever realize that everything you ever do in your life is just a cycle; a routine. You wake up everyday and get ready for school, where you try on at least twenty different shirts because this one makes you look pale or that one makes you look like your three months pregnant, and in the end you're always telling yourself that you should of picked out an outfit the night before, but here you are day after day trying to find something. You take the same drive to school, take the same halls to your classes and before you know it you're in biology disecting yet another frog. You're told to live life like it would be your last, to go out and have fun because you never know in life when its going to be your last day. But yet we're spending most of our lives in a prison like school where they're supposed to be teaching us how to be adults and how to get ready to live in the real world. Where we spend the rest of our lives going to our crappy jobs that make us miserable and have to worry about real life problems; like your morgage or your family. And somehere inbetween that all they expect us all to go out and experience life.


And yet here I am in the same seat for the whole school year learning about something that I probably wont ever use, writing down notes that are just going to get lost somewhere in my notebook all while im letting life slip right from under me.

"Now if you all turn to page sixty-eight, you're going to be using the outlined image below to fill out the inside structure and label the parts of the animal onto your worksheets that will be collected for a grade."

Mrs.Burke had one of those voices that got annoying after listening to her for only five minutes. And having to listen to her for a full hour and a half made me want to bang my head against a wall.

"Did you hear that Jake Matthews is going to be having a party at his house this friday night?"

Emily was gossiping to Nick and I all class about it, apparently it was supposed to be the biggest one of his yet which was hard to consider since his last party got shut down by the cops only fourty minutes into it.

"Emily you've been talking about it for almost a hour, I think we both get the point that you cant wait to go." I filled out a portin of the work before looking up at her.

"You just better be going to this one, and not do a no show like last time and leave me to have all the fun by myself."

"I already told you that it wasnt my fault, my-"

"Yeah yeah I know, you were at this fancy dinner meeting with your parents I get it." She cut me off waving her hand around casually like she always would when talking about my parents.

"All I know is that its supposed to be big, basically everyones going." Nick added in speaking more softly as Mrs. Burke started walking around.

"Well look who decided to show up."

Emily turned her attention to the classroom door as she nodded her head over for us to look. I turn just in time to see Michael walking through the door. He had this non-worrysom look about him, like it didnt matter that he was over an hour late to class with only 15 minutes before the bell to lunch would ring.

"Ah Michael how nice of you to show up, better late then never I guess. Take a seat, theres an extra work sheet for you at your group."

I guess you could say that this was the usual routine for Michael. He comes into third period late at least 99% of the time, where he takes his seat accross from me at our group. He'll give us a quiet "Hey." before he gets to work on everything he missed. And thats it.

"You didn't miss anything man, the answers are all on the textbook page it was a waste of a class today."

Nick filled him in briefly before turning his attention back to Emily. Pulling his backpack closer to him Michael started pulling books out, searching for a pen.

"Here I have an extra."

I held one up to him. He looked shocked at the fact that I even talked to him before he eventually mumbled a thanks a took it from my fingers.

The bell rang only a few minutes later, as the class started pilling out Emily turned to me.

"Don't forget about Jakes party, make sure you get out of whatever your parents have planned okay?"

"I'll figure something out, text me if your coming over tonight."

Grabbing my books I saw that Michael had already left, leaving behind a black notebook with pages sticking out along with stickers of band names on the cover. Picking it up I was fighting the urge to look inside it immediately.

"Aubrey you coming? That cafeteria food is calling my name right now." Nick stayed behind waiting for me. I took a last look around the halls for Michael before stuffing it in my bag with the rest of my books.


"Please tell me you've at least opened it." Emily spoke on the other end of the phone while chewing on chips.

"Open it? I can't." I glanced over at Michael's book as it laid on the end of my bed."

"And why the hell can't you? It's not locked just open up the cover." Clearly annoyed Emily spoke with a sigh at the end.

"But like what if it's his journal or something, I can't just read it like that it's his private thoughts."

"Bree, I highly doubt that a kid like him keeps a diary. He's always got his head in that book so don't tell me you Arn't the least bit curious as to what's inside. Stop being a baby and open the god damn thing."


I let out a sigh as I put my phone on speaker on my lap. Reaching over I grabbed the notebook, Green Days logo was taped on the cover along with other bands. Papers were folded and stuffed inside, some pages filled with writing, others had crossed out sentences or words.

"Uh hello earth to Aubrey I'm still on the other line." Sarcasm rang through the phones speaker.

"It's- Its a bunch of lyrics."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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