➬ six

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Flashing neon lights, blaring music, the buzz of activity. It was so overwhelming, and he wanted to run away and jump in further at the same time.

He hadn't meant to get so drunk, but one shot led to another and another, and before he knew it, he was a stumbling and giggling mess.

The other partygoers seemed to have an unspoken pity for him, though Hoseok didn't notice due to his drunken state. He was too busy following around a random red-haired male and calling him "Yoongi hyung".

"For the last time, my name is Jiyeol! I've never even met someone named Yoongi!" The stranger said with exasperation in his voice.

Hoseok only giggled and clutched to the man's sleeve tighter.

"Don't be s-silly, hyungie! Let me see those piano fingers, they pro-probably make music in more ways than one!" Hoseok's words kept getting interrupted by hiccups and little stutters caused by the alcohol.

"God, would you get off of me?!" Jiyeol exclaimed, shoving Hoseok a bit too rough for the dark-haired boy to handle. He lost his grip on Jiyeol's sleeve and toppled to the floor, landing on his butt with an "oomph."

The fall was nothing short of chaotic, and Hoseok had knocked over several glasses of alcohol and gotten liquid all over his clothing. The scent of the vodka and wine and beer all mixing together made Hoseok's once slightly nauseous feeling increase rapidly, and he covered his mouth with the sweaty palm of his hand.

However, it couldn't be stopped.

He vomited all over Jiyeol's shoes, and several bystanders gasped and stopped to take pictures of the scene. Hoseok couldn't help it, and didn't care much since he felt better after emptying some of the contents of his stomach.

He heard Jiyeol yelling at him but the words didn't make any sense in his mind, so he ignored them and pulled out his phone.

His fingers clumsily found their way to Yoongi's contact and he called the older boy while still sitting on the floor.

Thankfully, Yoongi picked up.


"Ahah~ hyungie~ can you help a little guy out? I'm so short now~" Hoseok smiled dreamily from the sound of Yoongi's voice.

"Are you drunk...?"

"Pssh~ jus' a little~"

"Where are you?" Hoseok heard Yoongi sigh a little and pouted.

"Hyungie mad at me."

"I'm not mad, Hobi. Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you."

"Yoonie-hyung come and get me?~" Hoseok asked excitedly, standing up slowly. The entire room was spinning, and Hoseok fell back down. "Dunno where I am. Some party." Hoseok muttered.

"Can you ask someone for the address, please?"

Hoseok pulled the phone away from his face and tugged on someone's pant leg.

"Hey~ what's this place's a-address?" He asked the stranger, who thankfully told him, and he then repeated it to Yoongi.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, Hobi. Don't move, and don't touch anymore drinks."

Hoseok giggled and ended the call, then shoved his phone back into his pocket and laid on the ground while staring at the ceiling.

"Hyungie loves me, hyungie loves me~" Hoseok giggled to himself. "He loves me, he loves me not.." Hoseok mumbled, counting off on his fingers a few times before getting too confused and stopping.

Hoseok lost track of time and was half-asleep on the floor when he felt a hand poke his cheek gently. He opened his eyes, but everything was too blurry.

"You better be my Yoonie hyung.." He muttered, eyelids fluttering closed once more.

"C'mon, Hope. Let's go." Yoongi shook his head at the drunken boy and helped him up, and before Hoseok knew it, he was in Yoongi's car.

"Parties are fun~ I like parties~" Hoseok hiccuped again and laughed lazily.

"You should really lay off of the partying if you end up drunk like this, Hoseok." Yoongi said, disappointment evident in his voice.

"Sorry hyungie..." Hoseok frowned.

Soon, they arrived at Yoongi's apartment, and the older boy carried Hoseok inside since he claimed his legs were an ocean and he couldn't walk.

Yoongi took Hoseok to his room and changed him out of his stained clothes, then had him drink a bit of water before laying him down and setting a few aspirin and another bottle of water on the nightstand; he knew Hoseok would need it in the morning.

"Love hyungie." Hoseok mumbled before falling asleep.

"I love you too, dumbass." Yoongi sighed and crawled into bed with him, then fell asleep as well.

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