Chapter 1: The Girl With The Mustaches

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Two days before my Mom's "special" day.

Can't wait.


Suddenly someone started shaking me. They shook and shook and it felt like I was being pulled unwillingly into an earthquake.

"Iris!" Someone whispered urgently. "Iris! If you don't wake up you'll be late for school!"

Those words triggered an alarm bell in my brain. I flew out of bed and into the bathroom before I could even see who was shaking me. I figured it was Mom, but I had no way to be sure unless I peeked out of the door. That was of course, out of the question, because I needed this valuable half-hour to get ready for school. I quickly combed out the tangled red jungle that was my hair and brushed my teeth. Glancing in the mirror, I saw my hair springing out in wild curls. I don't usually straighten my hair but today seemed like a good day to try it. Still, I was cramped on time. My head swung back and forth from the clock to the drawer that held my hair things. Twenty-five minutes left.

I decided to skip breakfast and straighten my curls. Twenty minutes later only half my hair was strait and the rest stuck up everywhere in bigger curls than before! Grrrr! Apparently my best option is to go with a braid or a bun, and I still haven't even gotten dressed yet! I randomly grabbed a pair of jeans and a blue top and changed without even thinking about it. Three minutes.

Buns take more time than braids so I ended up doing a normal braid, not having any time do do something special. I looked out the window, only to see the big yellow bus turn the corner of the street.


I ran as fast as I could down the stairs, which ended up being a problem. Tripping over my backpack and tumbling down the stairs was not part of the plan.

My pink and blue striped backpack rolled down after me, coming to a stop by my head. All I could think about is getting to that bus. I got up quickly, causing all the blood to rush to my head.

Dizzy and limping, I managed to get myself to my bus stop. Thankfully my bus has a lot of kids to get at this stop, so they were still loading. I stumbled across my lawn and made it to the bus's open doors just in time.

The bus driver's face was furious. "Don't be late next time kid, or you're not riding on this bus! Understand?"

"Yes....I.....under....stand." I was still panting from the effort it took to get out here.

"Good." He fixed me with a glare that stared into my soul.

If looks could kill...


Julie sits by my side, helping me do my social studies homework, which was my worst subject. I find myself always thinking how lucky I am to have her as a friend, because she can always find a way to make me feel better after something bad happens. I also really like her as a friend because she's really good at social studies, but she doesn't need to know that.

"But isn't Japan really far away from us?" I ask Julie desperately.

"Not really far, no," she responded, giving me her 'seriously?' look.

I glanced at the world map that was in the textbook. "But the map shows is being really far away!"

"Iris..." Julie let out a sigh as the bell rang, signaling the start of class. "I'll help you later."She whipped around her long brown hair and ran to her desk at the back of the class.

Julie totally stands out. I mean REALLY stands out. Today she's wearing bright orange leggings, with the occasional rip here and there. Her top was neon with a cat on the front saying "Kitty clawed u!". I'm pretty sure she made it... Oh! Did I even mention her shoes? Cowboy boots. Silver sparkly cowboy boots. They even have the little rotating thing on the back!

Julie barely made it to her desk when our science teacher, Mrs. Hample, walks in. She was easily the most strict teacher in the world. She looks the part too, with her hair in a tight bun behind her head and her head just reaching my shoulder. She seriously reminds me of a real-life Umbridge.

She starts the class off with a lecture about behavior and other stuff that I didn't really care about. She waves her infamous cane back and forth along the class, as if daring one of us to step out of line. She continued rambling and waving for about fifteen minutes, and probably would have gone on longer, if the principle wasn't in the doorway.

"Ah! Principle Watt!" She said in a low and croaky voice. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Seeing the principle brought out my determination to get noticed. I sat up as strait as my back could go, hoping that Principle Watt sees me as a model 9th grader.

"Oh, Mellana, how could you forget so soon?" Principle Watt says in a soft voice. "She's in the hall."

"Oh!" Mrs. Hample's face lit up in realization. She turned to face the class. "We have a new student joining us today!"

She walked out to the hall and I heard her say softly, "Come along deary, I won't bite!"

Wanna bet?

Mrs. Hample walked back into the room with a small girl trailing behind her. I couldn't see her face clearly because it was hidden behind a curtain of long black hair. Everyone around me started gasping, and a few girls even let out giggles. I couldn't figure out why until I looked at her clothes.


Her sneakers, leggings, and even her sweater were covered.

With mustaches.

A/N: Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story! If I even get up to five reads I will be the happiest person in the world! Please vote and comment and thanks again!

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