Chapter 1 - A known stranger

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NOTES: Sorry for taking this long to update. A lot happened. I was ill for a few days, but now I'm better and back for good! And thanks for all ur ideas, it was not easy to set this story up but u helped a lot.

I also found a way to bring a few characters from Supergirl in. I guess u guys will like it.

Now... Enjoy

obs: sorry for the short chapter, other will be longer


Bare footsteps in the snow barely made any sound that cold night. She was wrapped around a brown blanket, the wind playing with her eyes as her curious eyes looked at the huge building in front of her, a few man working outside. One of them pointed a flashlight to her face as she tried to avoid that weird light almost blinding her eyes. It all felt so weird.

And suddenly, everything went black out of nowhere.

- Are you sure you don't want me to send anyone from the team? – Oliver heard Diggle's voice on the phone. As usual, he was beyond worried about Oliver traveling alone in a mission for Argus.

- Yes, Dig. I can handle it.

- I don't trust that guy.

- Me neither. But it's ok. I can handle him!

Oliver parked his rented car in front of a huge dark building and got out of it, never taking his eyes from the huge building. Something didn't feel right about it, Oliver thought while he walked in. There was a security guard at the door and Oliver identified himself. The man tried to block his entrance but a familiar voice came from far away.

- Let him in!

- Ok sir! – The guard said, changing his tone suddenly and letting Oliver in.

- Anatoly! – Oliver nodded with his head.

- Oliver! – Anatoly nodded back and turned around, walking away – Follow me!

Oliver followed Anatoly until they reached the end of a long corridor. Anatoly opened the last door and mentioned for Oliver to go inside. Anatoly closed the door behind him and sat on a couch. Oliver stood still.

- As usual... - Anatoly said, noticing Oliver not move a single finger.

- I like being cautious and aware!

- Of what, my friend?

- You!

- Do I need to ask why are you here, so far away from Star City?

- Argus asked me a favor!

- And naturally you are obeying.

- I'm not obeying! I'm doing a favor for a friend!

- What do you want? – Anatoly crossed his arms.

- They know you are experimenting something... A new kind of weapon. I'm here to stop you.

Anatoly let a small laugh out.

- Oliver, Oliver! Who told you such a lie?

- It's not a lie! They have proof.

- Listen... Thanks to you, I could bring Bratva back to its old ways. We are doing nothing harmful, I can assure you.

- Nuclear explosions, strange attacks, trucks turned upside down on roads and its stuff stolen... Nothing harmful, are you sure?

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