Grovel (Starscream x Megatron) Short

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A/N: Idek what this is. I'm just bored. This is kind of Starscream acting more like Bayverse with his overenthusiastic ass kissing personality.

Megatron sat diligently on his throne, casting his gaze over the horizon that was Jasper Nevada from his well guarded fortress. He overlooked the hot and rugged environment it contained. The smell was stale. It was as if the soil was already spoiled by actions of war.

"My leige", a surprised voice called signifying the arrival of Megatron's second in command. The seeker stepped up, quickly admiring the dawnting new attire that wrapped around his leader's collar. The color of the purple fur matched his secondary color scheme with the striking red cape draping down and shaping the form of the metal throne beneath him. "Your looking far more imposing than ever, master", Starscream acknowledged giving a short bow in respect and a sinister grin. The corner of the warlord's dermas perked up. He gave a satifying hum like a purr of approval.

"Your flattery is unbecoming of you Starscream", Megatron grinned. His servant's everlasting gestures of admiration were something to be appreciated. He gestured the smaller mech to approach him. Starscream obeyed accordingly, taking it as an invitation for all the good he has done the past few cycles.

Starscream stood before him. Even while seated, the mighty warlord spoke above him. "Sit", he comanded as he tapped his digits on his lap. The seeker blushed, his wings fluttering. He climbed onto Megatron's curvy legs, setting himself on the warm surface. It was surprisingly more comfortable than he presumed it would be. Finally settled, he looked up and met Megatron's optics staring back at him. They were calm and content, though their apperance still struck as anything short of innocent.

"Starscream..", he spoke gruffly. "Yes master?", the seeker smiled. A large servo rested along the side of the smaller mech's thigh. Starscream shifted his hips towards the touch almost self consciously.

"My lord?", he asked again looking down at where the grey and silver mech had touched him, wondering the meaning behind it. Megatron chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself. I only wanted to reward you for the help of putting an end to the Autobot's foolish attempt to restore Cybertron, as well as find the location of their base. Our element of surprise sure deemed pleasant results as did the attack of your armada", Megatron declared before he took the seeker's chin with his thumb and index and brought their faces closer together. Starscream felt the rush of energon as their dermas were mere kliks apart from contact. He could sense the strong energy field   minging with his own.

"Nothing would of been possible without you my liege. Your strength as a leader, your power, your..", he hesitated the last few words. "Your brimming good looks". Starscream looked away in shame but Megatron brought his gaze back again. "Do tell", he encouraged.

"M-master", the seeker stuttered. "I can't help but feel weak in your presence. The way your armor shines in the light, your complexion, I simply cannot contain my admiration. Your optics strike me to my very spark. I-". The gladiator silenced Starscream's words with a digit. "Say no more", he whispered before breaking the space between their dermas. Starscream's spark lit up at the touch of his master's dermas. It was the most rewarding moment he could of ever achieved. He savored every klik of it. He could feel the energy of it spread through his whole frame to the tips of his wings as they fluttered. The moment was short lived as Megatron pulled away from the seeker. Megatron continued to stare at the starstruck mech sitting on his lap.

"Master..", Starscream vented. "I grovel at your very existence". The gladiator smiled. "Keep talking like that and you might get more than a kiss", he teased. Starscream blushed frantically, letting his own thoughts get the better of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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