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They're making their way back when Allie unlocks her phone and opens up her camera again.

"You didn't get enough pictures from the top?" Daisy asks, grinning a little bit because she knows there's at least one or two sickeningly cute snaps of the two of them in Allegra's camera roll. She wonders idly if they'll make it onto social media, or whether Allie is still a little bit too wary of her to make their outings public.

The breeze ruffles at Allegra's thin, light skirt. It's long enough that the fabric seems to pool around her knees. She holds her phone up in front of her and flips it sideways, before tapping at the screen a number of times to capture the countryside around them.

"There's no such thing as too many pictures," Allie shrugs. She turns to Daisy, her brunette hair whipping around her in the wind before she shoves it all back off her face. Her phone stays up the entire time, and she smiles as she gets a clear shot of Daisy, who is grinning dumbly back up at her.

"That's total bullshit," Daisy says, shaking her head. "Your phone only has a limited amount of storage."

"How privileged you are, then," Allie smirks, "to take up so much space on my phone."

Daisy laughs and looks down at her boots. Allegra gets the perfect shot.

When Daisy blinks back up to look at her, Allie is much, much closer.

"So much for personal space," Daisy mutters, teasing.

Allegra hooks a finger into the O-ring collar Daisy has on. Daisy visibly tenses.

Allie opens her mouth like she might say something and sass back at her new friend, but she seems to think better of it. Instead she pulls Daisy closer by her necklace, then kisses her.

Daisy loses herself in the moment right up until she hears the shutter sound effect.

"You're a good model," Allegra smiles, pulling back lazily.

Daisy's eyes catch on Allegra's phone display, and she feels a pang of pride that Allie chose to capture that moment. She tries to get a better look at the image, but Allie's already lifting the phone back up to do some more photography.

"C'mon, I'll take some proper pictures of you. Like, climb the rocks or something? That'll look cool, right?"

Daisy snorts, the reality of Allie's lack of popularity washing over her again. The girl is a dork, Daisy remembers.

"Right," Daisy agrees, but the way she rolls her eyes disagrees. 

She obliges, anyway, and turns to where the countryside falls away, replaced by bare rock. There's a large formation that juts in, reasonably far from the cliffs themselves, and Daisy sizes it up. She thinks she can probably scale it. It's not super high, just a little bulky. Not a lot of footholds. But she'll be fine, she's sure.

She kicks her boots up against the rock and then reaches up.

"You'd better make me look like a goddamn superhero," Daisy yells, trying to throw her voice backwards.

"A superhero would never wear ripped tights," Allie tuts.

Daisy gives a begrudging smile, not that Allegra can see it. She hoists herself up a level, and her right foot scrambles for a new place to rest. It finds somewhere after a moment, and she eases herself up, taking her weight off her arms.

"You know, that actually looks kind of high. Be careful, okay?"

Daisy almost laughs. She's basically only doing this to impress Allegra, and now Allie's trying to get her to chicken out? Typical.

She doesn't reply, but instead reaches out with her left arm, trying to hook herself up onto a sharp-looking bit of rock that would provide good purchase. She makes it, but she also thinks she's cut her palm a bit.

Daisy hisses and wants to survey the damage, but she can't afford to look. So instead, she keeps climbing. Her right joins her left, and she's a fair few feet off the ground when she heaves herself up yet again, but then her right foot can't find a new place to stay... and her left leg starts to wobble a little, and then--


Allegra is there in a heartbeat.

Daisy is just a heap of stylishly ripped clothing, piled up on the dirt and rock.

Allie falters, uncertain as to how to proceed. She crouches beside her friend and tucks her phone back in her purse.

"Daisy, please," Allegra mutters, her brows knitting together.

Daisy huffs loudly and gives an old man groan as she tries to untangle herself and sit upright. Before she can flip fully onto her back and push herself up, she mutes her grumbling and then gives only a few sharp, alarmed breaths.

"Oh, shit," she eventually says, almost through her teeth. "That really hurts. I'm-- something is super wrong," Daisy whines.

Allegra feels even panickier now. "What do you mean?" Allie asks, eyes wild. "Nothing's wrong, you're fine-- you're talking and breathing and--"

"There is no way I'm fine, Al, something is totally broken," Daisy grunts, propped halfway up, resting on her palms behind her. She doesn't look too good.

"No, stop it, I know you're fine," Allegra says, because she really can't imagine Daisy getting hurt. Not really hurt. Not properly hurt. Something about her always seemed infallible, untouchable - and that's only grown since she's gotten to know her. She can't be hurt.

"Allie." Daisy's tone is suddenly stern, but it softens quickly, albeit with a lot of effort. "Call an ambulance, babe, okay?"

Allegra's eyes grow watery as she hurriedly rushes for her phone, fishing it right back out of her purse. "Well, you will be fine, won't you? You're going to be fine." Allie's switch to the future tense gets a big eye roll from Daisy.

"I mean, I'm not going to die, Allie, so, yes," she says, droll.

Allie laughs, watery, and presses a kiss to Daisy's forehead which is ill-received.

"I said I'm not dying," Daisy repeats grouchily, sighing as she looks down at her right leg and begins a fun game of trying to guess what's broken.

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