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She likes me.

That's all that Daisy can think about all evening. She's still reeling from their brief Instagram interaction. Allegra's comment has her buzzed.

She's been thinking about what to do next almost obsessively. A grand plan has been formulating in her brain, but she's not sure how into it Allie will be. High risk, high reward, right? Daisy hopes that's the deal, anyway. It's certainly a risk.

She starts working on her new project, under the careful supervision of her grandparents. They're far too happy to help – Allie seems like such a Nice Girl, and they think Daisy could certainly do with widening her pool of friends.


Allegra's mood has improved since Daisy's baking attempts have softened her heart again.

She's not sure where she stands on dating Daisy, or whatever it is they've been doing all summer. It's been good to reconnect, she's sure of that – but if Daisy's friends are so toxic, isn't that kind of a red flag?

Allegra isn't interested in having any real drama in her life. Daisy has already been more than she expected, and while it's been fun... she has to draw a line somewhere. Maybe she was just a summer romance. Allie starts to think that makes sense.

Of course, then Daisy sends her a text that shakes everything up again.

i miss you. come teach me a lesson ;)

It makes Allie roll her eyes. Daisy has all the subtlety of a brick.

There's a perfectly timed pause – enough to let her shake her head and smile – and then her phone vibrates again, three times, all in quick succession.

a BAKING lesson


you pervert!!

Allie laughs. She can't help it.

Her fingertips twitch over the screen. She wants to respond, to go back to how things were. Maybe their summer romance could bleed into fall, too? And maybe winter, even? And then--

She thinks about how Daisy's friends are garbage. But then she thinks about how vulnerable Daisy has been the last few days, essentially posting public love letters to her on Instagram and letting her friends see it all, too. Maybe that's worth a few brownie points.

In her mind's eye, she can see Daisy typing out the text, and really she just wishes she'd been there in person so Daisy could say it to her face. Sleazy grin, mischief in her eyes. Allie would've been able to roll her eyes at her there and then, and Daisy would've chuckled and stolen a kiss. It's so crisp and clear that it's more like a memory.

Allegra's heart feels full just imagining it.

She texts back.


never? yawn. so vanilla.

Daisy actually cackles, her face lit up by the cool blue glow of her phone's screen. She feels correct, somehow. Like the last puzzle piece has just been slotted into place, and the picture looks just as pretty as the box.

Her grandparents ask if that was Allegra, and Daisy's grin tells them everything they need to know.

"God, I hope she likes this," Daisy tells them, stepping back and looking at what they've all been working on.

"Don't worry," her grandmother tuts. "You worry too much about girls. Of course she'll like it. And if she doesn't?" Daisy blinks up at her as she shrugs. "Well, that's her loss, petal."

That kind of helps. It feels a little bit hollow – like of course her grandma would have to say that – but it warms her nonetheless.

"Yes, don't worry," her grandfather pipes up. "Her standards can't be that high, anyway," he says, his tone soothing. "She likes you."

The corners of his eyes wrinkle up adorably as he grins at the sight of his granddaughter feigning offence. He chuckles happily, laughing a little harder when his wife catches his eye and shakes her head in mild disapproval.

"You're the worst," Daisy mutters, but a smile is pulling at her lips.

Weirdly, his words make her feel better still.


"I... think I'm going out this evening," Allie says, uncertainly, as she finishes up dinner with her parents.

"Oh, sure," her father replies, nodding and putting his fork down. He sips his water and looks at the time. "Big party? Get-together? What're we talking?"

Allie shrugs, looking down at her phone on the table. Daisy's message is still lit up.

"Um, I don't know," she laughs. "I was thinking about seeing Daisy. I think I want to, so..."

The way her sentence trails off gives her parents time to exchange an anxious glance.

"If you're sure, honey," her mom says. "But remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If her friends are going to be there, you don't need to--"

"Mom," Allie interrupts. "It's fine. I don't think it's going to be like that," she shrugs. "I don't know. It's like... Daisy's nice. To me, anyway. Um. Most of the time," she teases, scoffing a little. "No, but for real – I think she's trying to make nice, you know?"

Another glance between her parents.

"Sure," her dad shrugs. "Do you need a ride? Maybe I could drop you off?"

Allegra locks her phone. "Yeah, okay," she nods.

"I'll wait and make sure everything's okay, and then--"

"Dad," Allie groans. Then she looks at her mom, instead. "Will you make him stop? I promise it'll be fine. I know I was super upset and everything, but like... I trust her, okay? I, um. I like her."

There's a long pause, and then her parents both erupt into babytalk.

"Honey! That is so sweet--"

"I can't believe our little girl has a real, proper crush!"

"--oh, I hope you two fix things up and--"

"Oh my God," Allie mumbles, putting her head in her hands as her cheeks flush red.

She's not sure exactly what her evening with Daisy will involve, but she is sure that it'll be less awkward than what her parents are putting her through so... she texts Daisy back to say that she's in.

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