Love letter to the dead

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Dear —,

You might be gone, I might never see your face again, I won't ever see the beautiful smile that blessed your visage. I will never hear the amusing sound that escaped your mouth as you laughed. I may never smell the aroma of your favourite scent that you would drown yourself in. All of these things I won't be able to do, but you still will always be with me, in my heart, in my memories.

I'd imagine you holding my hand through the difficult times and I would listen for your voice to give me advice when I need it most. I may not get a response from you, but I would know what you would say. I picture you looking over me from above, how I longed to see you again. I'd reach my hand up into the sky, trying to touch the ethereal clouds that you now live in. I would never forget.

I wished I would have told you before my love for you. I wish I had told you how my heart fluttered like a butterfly when you entered a room or how it would skip a beat every time you spoke to me. I would love to tell you how you left me breathless when you accidentally brushed yourself against me. The small, accidental bit of contact that made me fall deeper in love. How I wouldn't be able to do that, though I can remember.

Every night, before I sleep, your face flashes in front of my eyes. Your beautiful features the same as when I met you. Your skin so soft, your eyes that told a thousand words, your lips that spoke with the most gentle tone. You might've not have been perfect, but, you were perfect for me and I would never forget this.

The unintentional pain that you left me with when you left still hurts me. The pain that I will never get to hold you or see you or hear you. The pain that you never knew how much I really loved you. The pain of the promise that you broke. You promised you'd never leave me, so where did you go? I still believed you would come back, through my door and hug me, when will you do that?

I just want the chance to say "I love you".

With all my love,
Your dearest friend

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