Chapter 1

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- Anna -

Friday, May 12th 2013 9:00am

So it's the last day if school, I wonder if anyone will change over summer.... What if I find someone to fall in love with.. I've never been in love, I'm not really the popular girl..I sit in the back of the classroom and hide from everyone.. *sighs*

"Anna!" I heard as I turned my head quickly to find Charlie, he's my best friend.

"I've been looking for you, why weren't you answering my texts?" He said questioningly

"I-I'm sorry I didn't get them, are you okay? You look..pale?" I said.

"I'm f-fine, I have to get to class, bye!" He said as he walked off slowly.

That was kind of weird..I suppose I should get to math class.

--later that day--

"Hey, how was the last day of school?" Charlie asked me.

"It was okay." I answered.

"Can I come over after school?" he said immediately

"Um..okay..?" I shut my locker and went to my last class, anatomy, my least favorite.

In anatomy I saw something at the door, I knew it was a person..but who?

I asked for a bathroom pass and went out, it was my friend Grace, she never missed a day of school or skipped class, why is she out here?

She saw me come out and asked if I got her signal,

"Um...what signal? All I saw was you out here creeping in the classroom and I come out to see who it was." I reply

"Well I gave you a signal, because something's wrong." She told me

"I only have 10 minutes! so hurry up!" I said

She looked annoyed.

"Just come over after school, Charlie will be there to." i said

"Omg yay! See you then!" she said as she skipped down the hall to her class.

I walk back in the classroom to find everyone staring at me, I was quite embarrassed, I felt like they heard us out there.

*bell ringing*

Finally school was over and I was anxious to know what Grace wanted to tell me.

Me and Charlie saw each other at our lockers, he ask for a ride this time, so I had to go to the office and call my mom because they will only allow you to call people in the office even if your calling of your cell, it was stupid but clever.

I go back to my locker and Charlie was there waiting for me.

"What'd she say?" he asked

"She said sure, but the latest you can stay is 8 because she wants you to have dinner but get home before 10 so you can get ready for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow!?" He exclaimed

"The summer kick off retreat at church, I can't believe you forgot." I told him

"I didn't forget.. I just needed to refresh my memory."

"mhm sure, well we better head out and wait on my mom."

So we waited for about 10 minutes, I only live 5 minutes away so my mom was pretty quick.

Me and Charlie got in the car, by then I forgot that Grace was coming over so I didn't bother asking my mom if it was okay, although she's pretty laid back so I get tons of friends over..although I only have a few but a few is enough for me.

We arrive at my house about 20 minutes later, we stopped at Pander Express as me and Charlie call it.

I don't know why though.. I suppose it's a little weird.

"This is really good." Charlie exclaimed

"I know this is my favorite restaurant.. Well fast food." I laughed

"I'm gonna go to the store, you kids behave." My mom said

Me and Charlie looked at each other, "Ewww!" we scream to my mom.

"You guys are weird, see you guys in a bit." She said walking out the door

We finished our food and I took him up stairs.

We sat at my piano in my room I speak up and ask him

"Do you have a favorite song?"

"Yeah of course, do you not know me?" He looked at me with a lifted eyebrow

I look down and smile "I meant that you play on the piano."

"I don't play piano, only guitar." He told me

"Oh..they aren't much different" i said following with

"Can I play you a song on the piano?"

"I'd love to here it!" He exclaimed

Your on the other side as the skyline splits in two,

I'm miles away from seeing you,

I can see the stars from America,

I wonder do you see them to?

So open your eyes and see the way our horizons meet,

and all of the lights will lead into the night with me

and I know these scars will bleed.

"That's all I can do or I'll get emotional.." I told him

"That was absolutely beautiful!"


- Charlie -

Wow. She sang beautifully! I've known her for 2 years and have never heard her sing! She's amazing! And she played piano wonderfully.

I asked if I could try and play, right when I scooted over to play the door bell rang, I asked if anyone else was coming over, she didn't answer just rad to the door.

She opens the door and Grace steps in.

I'm not the one to hate but...she's a little annoying but whatever. We went up stairs but Anna asked me to step out for a second, I thought this would be mine and Anna's day but Grace ruined it. I stepped out of the room trying to eavesdrop but they knew I was still there so I gave up and went to the kitchen to have a snack.


- Anna -

"What did you need to tell me?"

"I'm moving, but I need your help to convince my mom not to move." She told me while kind of asking me to do this.

"I can't, please just if you have to move, you have to move, I love you, your my best friend but if that's whats up I'm sorry, please don't come to me for stuff like this, when are you moving?"

"July 12th" she replied

"Grace! That's two months! It's May 12th today, hey! I have an idea!" I told her with excitement

She looked at me confused "Whats the idea..?"

"Remember that list we made of ten things we wanted to do before we hit 20?"

"Yeah, I have it in my room" she said

"Come over Monday and bring it!" I told her.

"Why Monday?" she asked

"Because I have the retreat tomorrow and church Sunday"

"Oh okay, well I should probably go, my moms gonna be worried."

"Oh. Bye!!"

I opened the door and let her out.

I looked for Charlie but I couldn't find him. So I called him. Turns out he left.. He said he wasn't feeling well.? That's weird he was just fine.

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