Chapter 2

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- Anna -

Saturday, May 13th 2013, 8:00am

Today me and Charlie get to go to the church summer kick off retreat! We have to wear these blue t-shirts and jeans. This is gonna be great! He doesn't really talk about God much but I do all the time. God is my lord people at school make fun of me calling me a religious freak, but it doesn't bother me that much, considering we know they're going to Hell and I'm not.

I hear the door bell ring but I yell for my mom to answer it so I could put on some make up, I already knew who it would be so I wasn't really wanting to know.

"Hello Mrs.Bowman." I heard him say to my mom that followed by "I brought Anna these."

I quickly hurried and ran down stairs.

"Hey, are you ready?" My mom asked

"Yeah but can we walk to church?" I said


"Because it feels like a walking day." I answered

"Okay." My mom nodded

"What are those?" I asked Charlie

"Oh these are for you." He told me

"Awh thanks, but it's not a special occasion."

"Um..yeah it is..?" He mumbled looking down

"What is it?" I asked him

"It's been a 2 months that you've been cancer free."

I hugged him as a tear fell "Awh! thanks for being my best friend, your amazing!"

He hugs me tighter "what would you do without me?"

"Probably die." I tell him

"You better not die." He says

"I'll try not to." I chuckle

We start walking to church, silence all the way until we were a block away we heard kids screaming, so we got excited and ran to the church, as fast as we could. When we got there it look like an ocean like the one God walked on. There was blue everywhere! We got there around 9:00

"You guys made it!" Caroline the youth instructor said

i replied with "I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Charlie held to my arm as if he didn't know what to do. I lead him to water balloons and we played 21 questions is someone got it wrong the other person would throw it at them.

The balloons were all different colors but I got the blue and red ones. Charlie like the green and yellow.

We were finally done with the balloons so we went to jump roping, I wasn't very good I will admit, Charlie was way better.

About 3 hours later, we walked back home, we were so tired and soaking wet. We walked in I went up and changed clothes, my mom took them and put my clothes in the dryer, I hate our dryer, it's white and plain, and it barely works.

"Mom can we go out to lunch?" I asked

"Yeah we can go to that smoothie café down the road." she said while sitting the dryer lid.

We went to the smoothie café I got a blueberry smoothie, Charlie and mom got banana.


- Charlie -

I had a lot of fun with Diana today.

She's an amazing girl.

Her blonde hair, blue eyes, and smile.

She's the perfect girl.

What am I saying? Charlie, she doesn't like you that way! You guys are best friends. You can't like her that way.

Her mom went to the restroom and I couldn't stop staring at Anna.

"Why are you staring at me?" She said

"Your gorgeous I enjoy staring at gorgeous people." I told her.

She looked down at her phone and I think she texted Grace but I couldn't tell who's he was texting.

I was a little nervous because I think I heard that in a was something like that, what if she knew that? Then I just messed up.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Do you not think I'm beautiful?" I said jokingly

"What? Oh. Nothing's wrong I'm fine." She told me

"Oh okay. Just making sure."

Her mom came back out and we went back to Anna's house.

We went up to her room, and talked.

"Why did you call me beautiful today?"

"Because you are beautiful." I say as I touch her cheek.

"Well thanks..but why are you acting like this? You don't usually call me beautiful.." She says looking down.

"Well, I should more often then, because it's the truth" I tell her while smiling

She hugs me tightly for a good three minutes.

I pull her off of me gently "are you okay?"

I ask

"Yeah I'm fine, are you okay?" she answered and returned the questioned.

"Uh. Y-Yeah I'm okay." I tell her.


Oh that's my mom. Hold on.

I walk out and talk to my mom.

She tells me something's wrong with my dad, who has bone cancer.

I quickly go to Anna and drag her outside.

I started to cry, I tried to tell Anna what was happening, she couldn't understand me so she tried to calm me down.

"Hey, calm down. Take a deep breath." She tells me

"M-M-My d-dad" I tell her while still crying

She couldn't understand what I said after that so she took my iPhone 5 and called my mom.

I heard them talking, she came back over and started hugging me so I knew that everything would be okay.

She looks at me and says "We have to get to the Hospital!"

She goes and gets her mom and we get and the SUV and drive to the hospital.

Once we got there I took them to the 2nd level of the hospital were all the cancer patients go, we went to the front desk and told the man who we were.

He had to wait in the waiting room where my mom was. She wasn't crying because she knew she had to stay strong although I saw her heart was broken.

We were there for 2 hours, my mom is nearly asleep. But then they inform us that he's awake and we can go see him.

"Hey dad." I said trying to keep my tears in.

"Hey son, it's better if I don't talk." He said

"It probably is a little uncomfortable for him." My mom said

Anna hugged me and told me she had to go because her mom had to go to the store then her late shift at 7:00

I beg her not to leave because I need her. But she told me that she couldn't stay but I can come over after church.












Sorry this chapters shorter, Hope you like it though!

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