7 years - 9 years

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7 years 

Dear Daddy,

    Today I was jumping on my bed, and I broke my arm. You came running to my room as soon as you heard me fall. You cradled me in your arms to get me to the car. As we drove to the hospital, you told me how much you loved me and how everything was going to be ok. I was upset that I had to get a cast. It was big and made me look stupid. You were the first to sign my cast. I love you Daddy.

8 years

Dear Daddy,

    Today was the first time I got in real trouble with you. I punched Uncle Louis' son, Kyle. He was pulling at my hair. He said that my curls were stupid. So, I punched him straight in the mouth. I made him bleed. He went running to Uncle Louis while I hid in the backyard. I knew you were going to be upset with me. I saw your run out of the house looking for me. As soon as you found me, you said we were going to have a very long talk. We ended up watching The Lion King and eating ice cream. I love you Daddy.

9 years

Dear Daddy,

    Today we went swimming at Uncle Zayn's house. You urged me to go on the diving board, but when I got up there I was scared. You and Uncle Zayn swam to the deep end and promised to catch me when I jumped. I finally did it and you caught me! You never let me go! You kissed me and proclaimed how proud you were that I overcame my fears. I love you Daddy. 

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