Chapter 2: Tommy Bear

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I woke up at 9:00am, taking my time to get out of bed and get an outfit together. I didn't expect to immediately have a date the day after moving in so I didn't really bring any of my best clothes, they're still on the way. I threw on a skirt, pair of thigh highs, and a tank top. I brushed my hair and put on a little bit of make up. I grab my purse and head downstairs. 

I should probably go grocery shopping later, there's not a bite in this house.

I sigh as I plan out the events of the day but am interrupted as the doorbell rings. I throw on my hoody, slipped on my shoes, and answer the door. Just as planned, it's Tom. 

"Ready to go?", he asks with a smile.

"Yep, I'm all set.", I reply as we head towards his car and he opens the passenger side door for me. 

"I have a few extra surprises for you. I figured I could show you around town, take you by all the best places.", I smile at the thought as he closes my door and hops in to the driver side. He starts up the car and hands me the aux cord. 

"Sooooo what made you want to ask me out?", I ask, flipping through my playlists with a raised eyebrow. I could see him get a bit pink and nervous. 

"Oh, y- y'know I just... thought you were cute and kind of cool I guess.", he answers, kind of shy, while rubbing the back of his neck as I decide on a playlist and hit shuffle. 

"It's alright, I think you're cool too.", I smile as he turns pink again. I wonder what he's thinking. I wonder what hides in the dark voids of his eyes. While I get lost in my own thoughts, I notice two beady eyes starring at me from the windshield. A little teddy bear on the dashboard, buttons for eyes and four distinctive spikes on it's head. "Aw, who's this little cutey?", I ask, reaching for it. 

"Oh, that's just Tommy bear. He was a gift from my mom when I was little.", He explains as I hold the little stuffed animal. 

"It's nice you still keep it around." I mess with Tommy bear and before I even realize it, we're at the coffee shop and he's opening the car door for me and extending his hand for me to grab. I grab it and he helps me out of the car, the dense smell of coffee in the air as I shiver a little bit. "It's colder here than I expected.", I exclaim, just before he wraps his arm around me, and while blushing I look up at him.

"We better get you inside then.", I look up at the café sign as we begin making our way towards the door, pink still on my cheeks. We walk into the shop as my lungs get filled with the scent of fresh coffee, I feel the heat of the shop soothe my coldness. We walk over to the counter where the barista was perked up and greeted us before taking our orders. We sat down at a booth table by the window. 

"So (Y/N), what brings you to the UK?", he questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Mostly here to make a new life for myself. I didn't really have much of one in the US. Didn't really have a family either. I'd rather not get too into it.", I add as I notice his head tilted and his puzzeling expression like he had more questions.

"I understand, at least it's different living with the guys. They make everything a little more lively and are almost like family.", he sighs, "You'll see for yourself sooner or later." 

"Sounds promising." 

"Black coffee for Thomas and hot caramel mocha for (Y/N)!", the barista called out. Tom immediately gets up to grab our orders, I watch as he leaves a tip before he walks back to the table. He passes me my coffee and sits back across from me.

"Anyways, you do anything for fun besides taking random girls on sight seeing dates?", I tease, taking a sip off my mocha.

"I wouldn't really call it sight seeing", he smirks, "just thought I'd take you the best hang out spots... but yes. I dable in music with my base guitar and got the highest score in zombie invasion than any of the guys.", he boasts a little bit. I glare with a smirk. 

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