Merlin with a special appearance

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There is a special appearance by the whovians favorite The Doctor.

  Merlin stood behind his best friend and King, Arthur, as Knights and Nobles entered into the great hall. They were preparing for the second ever meeting of the round table in Camelot. Gwen entered taking her place as Queen to the left of Arthur. Gaius trails behind her taking the seat left of her. The Knights: Gwaine, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon, Percival, Geraint, Bors, Lamorak, and Gareth filed in standing behind the 9 seats to the left of Gaius waiting for permission to take their seats. Following them five Nobles entered and taking five of the remaining six seats leaving the seat to the right of the King open for his adviser, all anxious to see who it might be.
    After everyone had entered Arthur turned to Merlin a devious grin forming when he realized Merlin had spaced out. "Merlin! What are you doing just standing there TAKE YOUR SEAT." He yelled startling the poor Manservant.
     Merlin quickly took the only empty seat left, the one to the right of the King reserved for the Kings Adviser. Gasp sounded out as the Nobles realized this meant that a mere servant had a higher position than both a Knight and a Noble. The Knights however were grinning the faces off completely expecting this.
   "Very good." Arthur said "Now we can begin this the first official Round Table meeting."
   The meeting began going through discussions of taxes and food, army forces and disputes between the different province's Nobles gave their thoughts along with comments from the Knights and every once in a while Arthur would ask Merlin's opinion on a matter then make a decision. Nearing the end of the meeting a strange sound pierced the air causing the Knight to tense and Merlin to let out a groan as he hit his head on the tables surface.
     "Whoorp Whoorp" sounded out and suddenly a blue box appeared on the table. It looked like it could hold at least four people and had strange writing on the side.
  "What sorcery is this?" One of the braver Nobles asked.
  "I don't do sorcery kind sir. It's called science so get your facts straight" a voice called from inside the strange box.
  The door opened and a man wearing a fez on his head with no eyebrows and a bow-tie around his neck poked his head out.
    "Anyways I'm here looking for some one if you could be kind enough to point me in the right direction. He should be a youngish looking man with blue eyes, messy black hair and really big ears well not as big as my old one but big enough. If you don't know anyone like that I'm also looking for an old man with a long white beard and long white hair sometimes carries a staff around can be found talking to dragons and responds to the name Emrys." The man was met by blank stares from the Nobels and a few of the Knights, while the King and Queen along with their closest Knights looked slightly angry. "Nothing, okay. Has anyone heard of a man named Merlin it is rather important that I find him the fate of the world is at stake."
  This time one of the Nobles turned to where Merlin was sitting when the man arrived only to find an empty seat. Slowly the rest of the table turned too.
   Arthur who was very aware of the fact that Merlin had left during the strange mans rant asked "And who sir are you to come and try to take away my Manservant?"

  "Me! Well I'm the Doctor Lord of Time savior of the world and traveler of anything and everything" The Doctor said rather dramatically as if he expected every one to understand and already know his strange introduction.

"DOCTOR! What in the name of the Triple Goddess do you think you are doing" came a shout from the servants entrance "I told you just the other day not to seek me while I am attending the King" Merlin said looking rather frightening as he waved about a frying pan.

"But Merlin it is of the utmost importance. The space dragons have stolen the Royal egg again, the Unicorns have gone on strike for the fourth time this month, and Clara has desided that I should deal with this all by myself this time." The Doctor practically whined.

"Of course she did last time this happened she was turned into a baby dinosaur. And as far as I know she still has a craving for raw meat at the strangest of times." Merlin said obviously frustrated with the strange man in the blue box. "You're on your own this time Doctor I cannot possibly run off right now I have my duties to the King. And need to take this guy to the Druids" Merlin said using the frying pan in his hand to gester to a man who, the people in the room just realized, was lying unconscious on the floor. "Now off with you Doctor I want you to at least try to fix your problem with no help before you even think of returning" with that said the Doctor gave a long suffering sigh closed his T.A.R.D.I.S. and was gone.

A few minutes passed in absolute silence before Arthur took a deep breath and was about to start a glorious rant about Merlin going of with the strange man before when that strange wheezing groaning sort of sound started up again. The blue box reappeared only this time it looked as though it had been tossed into a furnis  and came still mostly in tact. The door opened again but this time a lovely young ladies face appeared.

"Merlin we really need you this time. The Royal Family has declared war on the space dragons and most other creatures have joined the Unicorns in their strike" the young lady said then her head disappeared once again and yelling was heard.

The King, The Queen, Gaius, The Knights and Nobles all watched as Merlin sighed slapped his face with his hand then aimed one more good wack to the downed mans head told Gaius to take care of him then walked up onto the table and into the Blue box which then promptly disappeared.

Hours later when the members of the round table once again heard that strange wheezing groaning sound they all rushed back to the meeting room and watch as a laughing Merlin walked out of the Blue box decked out in a strange leather tunic and a sort of glowing cape. He had a silver circlet on his head and bags full of strange riches and foods by his side. when he saw the court of the round table he once again sighed then said under his breath with his eyes glowing gold, before anyone could speak "Magic head my call travel to those around, Hinder their minds and block their eyes once more, Let them be blinded to the mysteries within my court once more." As Merlin spoke the last words to the incantation the people surrounding him blinked a few times shaking their heads. And when Arthur came around He went on a rant about Merlin being the laziest servant that he had ever had. When it was over Merlin hid a smile and chuckled under his breath as he made his way back to his room in the court physicians rooms.


Sorry for the long wait and any grammar mistakes you might find. I will try to update more soon but until then

Dragon out 

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