Gray World

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This chapter is dedicated to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
To my black sisters and brothers that are and have been suffering, I see you, I support you, I will stand in front of you when the start shooting. I will march with you, I will fight for your rights until I die.
To the protesters you guys are the real fucking heroes and I'm so fucking proud of you.
This is a long fight, but we will stand together and we will prevail. One of us bleeds, we all bleed.
Black Lives fucking Matter


I heard the quick and rapid sound of approaching footsteps. As the sound gets closer I cower and try to melt into my surroundings. I thought this place was perfect to hide out but considering how fast he got on my trail I was wrong. Deadly wrong.

Abruptly, the quick step of the shoes stop. My heart is beating so fast I swear it could jump out of my chest at any second. Could he hear it? Smell the blood rushing throughout my body? Sense the panic that tried to seize my entire body?


Which does nothing to calm me, if anything it worsens my current state.

My eyes drift to the light peaking through under the door. I freeze when a silhouette appears. I hold my breath and wait the longest seven seconds of my life for it to vanish.

When it does, still, I remain as I was. Unmoving. Waiting for the inevitable.

With a blink of an eye, the door is swung open, and a hand with a wide palm and oddly skinny fingers reaches for me.

"Gotcha!" my captor cheers, pulling me forcefully out of my secret hideout.

"Ah," I groan, accepting my impending defeat.

"You know, Mel, you really gotta pick better spots. I swear finding you is getting easier and easier." Jordan laughs, giving me a half smug half amused look.

I roll my eyes and dust off my high waisted light brown leather pants, "And I swear you're just getting smarter by the day." I pinch his nose and he smacks my hand away.

"Comes with all the growing I've done." He shrugs, looking at his feet awkwardly.

That leaves me silent.

I'm not completely sure what to say.

It's been a little over a year since the Gray War ended. That's what was happening between Laufeia and I became known as, and I find the name suiting. In that time, where was Light, where was Darkness? Who could be trusted, who was the enemy? So many questions, not enough answers. There were gray days in Enchantment, gray people, gray battles. It's not all as black and white as it may seem. That's what the war was about. Grayness. Where it exists, where it doesn't. What defines black and white as well as what mixes it, is gray.

Gray spots.

Gray patches.

Gray swirls.


Gray, gray, gray.

And it sucked.

Imagine, waking and living in a world that isn't the vibrant one you see? Colors, tastes, sounds, all become dull. Lifeless. Gray.

Love, excitement, truth dies out. Spins away, out of reach. Gray.

When we aren't experiencing those moments in life, the ones that make it great, where we see nothing but white. And the others, that aren't as great, more often soul crushing, and all we find is black. There is in-between areas. The gray areas.

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