New Students?

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Okay, so this is my first story/fanfic/thing so go easy on me. I'm not a very talented person so...yeah. Also, i don't really have an update scheduled because of school so ill update when i can. 'kay?

Roman P.O.V


I put my hands over my ears trying not to go def. "Dude, chill."

This was basically how all my first days of school were like. Patton got over excited and I would have to calm him down before we got to school so he wouldn't embarrass himself. Today was our first day of middle school and we were over the top excited.

"I'm just so excited to see all my friends!" Patton said.

"Oh, and your not excited to see me."

"Well I saw you a lot over the summer. I miss the people I haven't seen, like Logan!"

I smirk. "Ah, Logan."

"What?" We turned the corner and he quickened his pace.

"Nothing." I could tell Patton had a not-so-secret crush on the nerd of the school, Logan, but I don't think he knows it. 

After a few minutes of Patton talking about Logan, we finally arrive at school and go over by a few of our good friends.

"Hey Roman, hear about the musical?" Thomas asked.

"No? Do tell," I smile.

"Its Heathers Man!" Joan said.

"Shut! UP! REALLY!?!"


"I can't wait for auditions! When are they by the way?" I ask.

Remy woke up from his nap and said "In about a week. Girl, you should try out for JD."

"Yeah! You'd be great for that!" Patton said.

"I already know that," I said, "I mean...." we continued talking till the bell rang and we headed to class.

(Time Skip Thing-a-ma-jig)

We were sitting in class just chatting waiting to start the day. Patton was trying and failing to make conversation with Logan, who was reading a book, Joan was talking with Talyn about the Jailbirds latest album, and I was talking with Valerie about about the musical, trying to place who should get what part.

"ALRIGHT!" The teacher yell, signaling silence. "Thank you, so today were going to get some things ready for the year, so sit back while I take attendance." She finished taking attendance and started talking about what we needed for the school year. I stopped paying attention as I looked around, I knew all my classmates because we never got new ones. It's pretty nice since you don't have to get to know them.

"Mr. Create?" The teacher said, bringing me back.

"Yes Ma'am?" I responded.

"Could you repeat what I just said?"

I smiled. "I believe you said Hamilton is the best musical to ever exist, which I totally disagree with because Newsies is way better fo-" I didn't get to finish my though because she interrupted.

"Roman stop talking." She fixed her gaze on the rest of the class. "If you had me last year, you'll figure out I don't repeat myself unless it's important, so you'll need to pay attention." She looked back at me which made me and I smiled innocently.

"Anyway" She continued. "We will be getting two new students this year. It is to my understanding that you aren't used to new students since no one wants to come to this boring town, so just treat them like anyone else, I know its cliche, but, I'm too lazy to think of something else."

We continued for a bit when the door opened. A boy with a black and purple sweatshirt, black ripped jeans, a dark purple shirt, and black eye shadow walked in.

"Mr. Xie?" the teacher addressed the boy.

"Yup" he very unenthusiasticly sat down in the back.

"Where is your sister?"

"busy" he responded.

"probably at a drug deal" Jacob said under his breath receiving a glare from "Mr. Xie".

"Well, where is she?" I said. Why did I ask???

"Like I said," his look turned to one of annoyance, "she's busy."

I roll my eyes. "Doing what? Cause if your not going to be specific, we're just going to assume she's at a drug deal if she's anything like yo...."

"Look, it's nice that ya'll are talkin bout me," another voice joined in, "But honestly, i'd like to learn about geometry!" 

Told ya'll it'd be bad. There will indeed be more to the story but i just want to publish something right now. Take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! PEACE OUT!

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