Luck ( A One Direction Fanfic)

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Pre Chapter Info!! The girls name is Ariana and Ari for short. She looks like Cher Lloyd. If you don't know who that is then climb out from under the rock you have been in and look her up. She is wonderful. She kind of dresses like Cher too. but I'll describe the outfits to you as well. And if you haven't heard the song Give Your Heart a Break or Fix a Heart you should! Those are my favorite songs by Demi<3 Oh! Ari is 19 years old too! Kay. So pretend that 'Ms.Hald' works for Simon Cowell. And she views everyone before sending them to Simon alright?

"Don't wanna break your heart wanna a give your heart a break!" I sang really loud listening to the radio. Demi Lovatos new song was playing. Called Give Your Heart A Break. I loved it.

People always said I had a beautiful voice and I should take up a singing career. But hey you know, yolo. Did I really just think that? Wow. But I always wondered if I could make it. That would be an amazing job. Just doing something you enjoy. Maybe I should go to a talent agency.. hmm. I've been making videos on YouTube of me singing. I recently just did a cover if Fix A Heart by Demi Lovato.

I had a lot of subscribers and lots of people like my videos and comment nice things, so thats a good sign. Maybe I could become the new Justin Bieber. You never know..Some people don't even say anything about my singing they just say how pretty I am. Which makes me not as self conscious when I read that someone hates my videos and says I look like a frog and sound like a dying cow. But haters gonna hate.

It has been one week since I uploaded that video to of me singing Fix A Heart by Demi Lovato and someone has contacted me about a singer career. Hey. Maybe dreams do come true? Anyways I'm supposed to meet up with her at three o'clock it is now two fourty five and I was heading out the door of my apartment. I decided to wear : When I got there I went to the lady at the front desk and aske for Ms. Hald. She was a really popular lady from what I got from the email she sent me. ''Right this way'' she said taking me to Ms. Halds office. Her name read: Cara. ''Thank you'' I say politely walking into Ms. Halds office.

When I entered the room I saw five boys sitting on the couches. Who were they? I wondered. ''Hello you must be Ms. Hald.'' I greeted her and smiled sitting down on one of the empty couches. ''Yes I am. And you must be Ariana, correct?'' She asks. ''Yep! Thats me.'' I replied happily. ''I saw your videos on YouTube and you have wonderful voice!" She exclaimed. ''Haha. Thank you" I blushed. I'm not good with compliments. ''Before you start can you sing for us. So the boys know how you sound?'' she asks. I'm not nervous or shy. Im a really outgoing person. ''Sure!" I exclaimed. ''What shall I sing?" I ask. ''Boys what should Ariana song?"  

Ms.Hald says the boys. ''Call Me Maybe!'' The blonde one shouts. Ooh! I knew that one! ''Okay!" I say.''

''I threw a wish in the well, 

dont ask me I'll never tell"

I began

''I looked to you as it fell 

and noe you're in my way 

I'd trade my soul for a wish 

pennies and dimes for a kiss''

About two and a half minutes later I finished the song. When i was done all the boys clapped and Ms.Hald had a smile on her face. ''You were amazing!'' The one wearing stripes said. ''Yeah you did well!" Another one with black hair said. ''Bravo!" The one wearing plaid cheered. ''Brilliant!" the one with curly hair screamed. He was cute. ''Well done Ariana. The boys seem pleased.''Ms.Hald said calmly. I grinned as a thank you. Ms.Hald got off her chair and walked to the door. ''Come on.'' She said without turning around. ''Where are we going?'' I asked the boys. ''To show you off to Simon!" Blondie said. WHAT?! THE Simon Cowell?! ''THE Simon Cowell?" I exclaimed. ''Yes love.'' Plaid shirt replied. WAIT WHAT?! I'm meeting Simon Cowell. Oh my gosh. Breathe Ari breathe. I thought to myself.

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