Part 1

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Cherry blossoms drifted lazily through the warm autumn breeze, the skies above a bright and inviting shade of blue. Open stalls lining the streets were busy and filled to the brim with little hand-crafted odds and ends. Vendors called out to the passersby, inviting them in for a taste or a closer look. Different aromas wafted together, blending into a near nauseating cloud of deliciousness. Colourful kimonos swayed as groups passed from stall to stall, stitched flowers dancing in the wind. A particularly cheery group of young women giggled as they passed a small sake shop on the corner, waving shyly to a handsome man in a plain black kimono. He nodded to them and smiled before slipping into the sake shop.

Everything in the small village of Akatoki was peaceful and good. Everything, that is, except Hanami. She fingered the hem of her barely there kimono, tugging it down in frustration. She had fixed it three times already, but every time she bent to pick up another patron's tray, up the hem went, showing the men around her a bit more than she would have liked. Sighing, Hanami gave up. It was no use trying to fix something that was already so absolutely broken. After dropping off the dishes and examining herself in the mirror, she decided that this was as good as it was going to get. She twisted her long, wavy brown hair into a tight bun,not wanting another man grabbing at it and pulling her into his lap. That was how she had gotten fired from her last hostess job.

Out the door she went, placing a fake smile on her face and hoping that her boss couldn't see through it. The other girls working there were in a league of their own, catering to the guest's every beck and call. There was even a small room in the back reserved for the "regulars". She didn't want to even guess what happened in that place. Shaking her head, Hanami cleared her thoughts, placing a piping hot bowl of rice in front of a particularly drunk man. He turned to her and she shuddered, taking in his awful breath and his gap-toothed grin.

"Pretty thing want to join me?" the man slurred, thrusting his cup at her, sloshing sake onto her kimono. She politely declined, thanking him for the offer before standing up and attempting to make her way back to the kitchens. The man clicked his teeth, standing up from his tatami mat and swaying onto his feet. He made a grab at her, catching her by the sash that held her kimono closed.

"Come on... Just one drink?" His face was mere inches from hers, and Hanami prided herself on resisting the urge to grimace. With the same fake smile still in place, she tried to pry the tie from his hands, but he had a better grip on it than she did.

"Please let go. I have no intention of drinking with you." The man grinned and hiccuped, abandoning the cup and sliding his hand up her bare thigh. She grit her teeth, the smile gone from her face. The small shop was silent, everyone holding their breath in anticipation of what was yet to come. If she had been any other girl in this establishment, she would have simply giggled and played hard to get before taking him into the back room. But Hanami wasn't just any other girl.

"Perhaps you want a bit of loving instead?" the man purred. She tried to fight back the urge to put him in his place, but she failed. She thrust her hand up, palm connecting with the mans nose with a satisfying crunch. He fell away from her, losing his grip on her kimono. She fixed the fabric and leaned over him.

"Remember to pay your tab." She balled up the paper receipt and stuffed it into the pocket of the mans kimono before making her way back into the kitchen. Her boss, a big ox of a man with a shaved head and an overbite, crossed to her,fury in his eyes. Hanami knew what was coming...

Another town and another job lost, she sighed and changed into her soft pink sakura kimono. Her pocket jingled with the few coins she was able to make off of the days customers. From outside, Hanami could still hear the commotion of the workers as they desperately tried to appease the scum. She watched as the drunk man stumbled outside and stormed off, cursing and clutching at his bleeding nose. Serves them right. She sighed and turned away from the shop for the last time. People all around her were whispering, looking at her as if she were a monster. As if the man had been any less deserving of the punishment she had bestowed...

"Excuse me, miss?" She turned to meet the gaze of a handsome man in a plain black kimono. His grey eyes were shining and his black hair was perfectly slicked back. He looked friendly enough, but she knew not to trust just anyone she had met on the streets. Nevertheless, she turned to face him and bowed slightly, receiving a kind smile and a bow in return. "Are you alright? I couldn't help but notice what happened inside."

Hanami waved her hand, brushing off his concern. "Oh, it was nothing. You get used to people like that in this industry." She laughed to show him she truly wasn't too bothered. The man seemed to relax and nodded in understanding.

"I also couldn't help but notice that you were in fact in need of a job... I have one if you are interested." She sensed no malice in his smile, but she eyed him suspiciously, red flags popping up in her head. She breaks a mans nose, causing her to lose her job, and this man wanted to hire her for that? "I am in need of a strong, independent young woman like yourself. You see, there is a... Someone who requires constant guard.I believe that your skills could be better put to use in a not so... Public setting." He glanced at the gathering crowd before sweeping his arm out and motioning for her to follow him down the road. "Shall I explain on the way?"

She was unsure of what to do. On one hand, she was in desperate need of a job. On the other, who was to say this man wasn't going to lead her into a brothel? Her gut was telling her that he could be trusted, but her head was screaming otherwise. The question was, what was she going to do?

Against her better judgement, Hanami decided that she should at least give him a chance to explain what this job may entail. She figured that her skill in fighting could easily get her out of trouble if the man tried to do anything weird. After a moment more of deliberation, she nodded and let him lead her down the road. "As I said before, the main purpose of this job is to guard someone – ah, the heir to the Matsuoka clan, to be exact." His voice was low, so as not to draw attention from passersby. "You see, he and his last bodyguard had a... falling out. His father, the daimyo of this province, had instructed me to bring him a suitable candidate. And I believe that you fit the bill."

She could sense no deceit coming from him, but she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. "So you want me – ME, of all people – to become his sons' royal bodyguard?" The man nodded and smiled at her. "Why me? There are plenty of loyal samurai that could help guard the kid." Hanami stopped walking, making the man turn back to face her. This was simply too good to be true, too convenient to be real. There must be some kind of catch...

"Samurai, loyal as they are, lack the discipline necessary to take care of someone. Sure, they make perfect warriors, but someone to stay by the heir's side and look after his well-being... Now, that takes a special kind of touch. Your experience in hostessing will come in handy, as well as your apparent fighting abilities." The man smiled and motioned for her to follow him once more, and this time, she obliged.

"So, what you really need is a royal babysitter?" She found herself wondering what kind of man would need constant supervision, even if he was royal.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Meals would be prepared for you, of course, and servants will help you along the way as far as the daily chores go. There are plenty of empty rooms to pick from in the palace, and, if you accept, you may choose any that are to your liking. Provided that you do well, that is. Now, tell me. Are you interested, or shall I find another candidate?"

She weighed the pros and cons. On one hand, she would have free meals and a lavish room in a palace. The only thing she would have to do is throw a few punches if someone got too close to the heir. On the other hand, this may just end up being a well-thought-out ruse to catch her with her guard down. She still didn't quite fully trust the man, but she wondered if it would be worth the risk... Before she could stop herself, Hanami uttered the words that her heart was begging her to say.

 "I would be honoured to serve the daimyo."

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