Part 5

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"Wasn't that exciting?" The daimyo exclaimed to the silent room. Even the steady beat of the drums had fallen still, everyone awaiting the daimyo's decision. He took a long drag before sitting back, watching as his general and Hanami bowed to him. "An obvious outcome, don't you agree?" He raised his brows, looking around the room for affirmation. When no one dared speak, he sighed, waving his hand in front of him to clear away the smoke that had drifted from his pipe. "Tell me, girl... Who taught you to fight like that?"

Catching her breath, Hanami kept her head bowed as she spoke. Her usual confident tone was gone, replaced by a heart-broken monotone that almost made the daimyo flinch. "My father taught me everything I know." The daimyo nodded, mulling over her response. She was inexperienced, he could tell, but what she lacked in technique, she more than made up for in spirit. Sadly, spirit alone wasn't going to save her life – or his sons'. He stroked his long wispy beard, humming softly to himself. How was he going to handle this? On one hand, he could stay true to their little wager and ravish the small creature before him, but that didn't quite sit well with him. On the other, he could allow her to prove herself once more by giving her a chance at the job, but what if this had been her plan all along? It wasn't unusual for a rivaling feudal lord to send in a woman like this as a distraction. Yet, somehow, he didn't believe that to be the case. But he had to be sure... He leveled his gaze on the cowering girl before him, weighing his options. It wasn't long before the girl made up his mind for him.

Hanami shifted under the weight of his gaze, unsure why her stomach was revolting. She had made a wager and she had lost. It was no different than playing Go with the women at the brothels in Akatoki. She sighed, wanting to get this over with before she begged him to reconsider. Before the daimyo, Hanami knelt, bowing her head low and shaking slightly. She was scared of what was going to happen to her. She silently chastised herself, wondering why she had gotten herself mixed up in this. She could have simply traveled to another town, secured another job at a run-down sake shop. She fought back her tears of shame, pressing her forehead against the floor. "A promise is a promise." She met the man's gaze once more and steeled her nerves, heart sinking as she uttered the words she never thought she would. "I am yours, Oyakata-sama."

After another moment of awkward silence, the daimyo burst into laughter, making Hanami flinch back in confusion. Was her forwardness amusing to him? A light blush crept across her cheeks, making her bite the inside of her lip to keep her emotions in check. Similar reactions rustled throughout the spectators. Even Hayate was unsure what was going to happen. The Taisho smirked, shaking his head and eying the girl with interest. It wasn't every day they met someone as intriguing as her. The daimyo stood, coming down from his throne of plush pillows and stopping in front of the blushing girl. There, he stooped down, leveling himself with her inquiring gaze. He could not help the smile forming across his weathered features as he offered her his hand, helping her up as she struggled to stand on her quivering legs.

"My dear, I have no intention of stealing you away without your consent." He mused, making Hanami's cheeks blush brighter. She looked away, only for her chin to be tilted up so the daimyo could look at her straight on once more. His smile was gentle, not unlike that of her fathers. It almost calmed her hammering heart. "But I had to know for certain whether you had the will to do what is asked of you or not. Becoming my sons' bodyguard is no light matter."

Hanami looked upon him in confusion, shaking her head slowly. "But... I lost..." she breathed, silently chastising herself once more for questioning the man of power before her. The daimyo simply chuckled, nodding back at her. The more time he spent watching her reactions, the more certain he was that she was who he needed for this position.

"Of course you did. If you had bested one of my elite, I would have known right away that you were not who you had claimed to be. It would not be the first time a samurai loyal to another feudal lord has tried to infiltrate my ranks." He pressed his hand against her shoulder, meeting her gaze as the meaning of his words settled in.

"This was..." Her voice faded into silence as the older man nodded, dropping his hand from her shoulder and clasping his hands behind his back. The girl was bright – something that was needed if this was going to work.

"Merely a test." He finished for her, motioning toward a shōji nestled at the back of the room. Hanami followed, hesitantly, not fully trusting the mans' words. She had heard about the feudal lords from the geisha in Akatoki. She knew better than to trust them right away. The shōji slid open to reveal a breathtakingly beautiful courtyard lit by strings of flickering paper lanterns. Hanami's eyes widened and her breath hitched. How could there be so much beauty in such a small space? Sakura blossoms drifted to her feet, flickering almost red in the firelight. A carved stone koi pond sat in the middle, rippling water flowing slowly as bamboo shoots clinked their voices against the stones. The water was crystal clear and the koi swam lazily, eying the open skies above. A young woman in a white haori and bright red hakama tended to the koi, dropping little pellets of food that the brightly colored fish lapped up quickly. The daimyo watched the girl, pleased by her reaction. He cleared his throat, motioning for her to follow him to the right of the pathway, passing door after door until they stopped at a fusuma adorned with a golden dragon. "I hope you will enjoy what we have to offer."

Hanami stopped and eyed him in surprise. "You mean... I have the position?" The sound of disbelief in her voice made the daimyo chuckle, nodding in affirmation. He watched as, after a moment of processing his words, her brow furrowed and she looked at him in confusion once more. "But why?" Her face flushed bright crimson and she sputtered, looking away. "If it's alright to ask, of course. I mean no disrespect..." The daimyo smiled softly once more, humming to himself.

"What makes a good fighter? Is it his ability to hold his own in combat?" When Hanami did not answer, he continued. "Or is it his unwavering spirit; his unparalleled belief that he will win, no matter how the odds are stacked against him? You see, a fighter's skills can be taught, passed on from master to student. But if what one lacks is the spirit to fight..." He shook his head, meeting her gaze once more. "What I saw you do in that room makes me believe that you would not let me down. Now, it's up to you to prove that I was right in choosing you. Miss Hanami, will you accept my formal proposal and do me the honour of becoming my sons' royal bodyguard?"

"I would be honoured." Hanami bowed politely, unable to help the smile from spreading across her face. Finally, she had a chance to prove herself; to show the world what she was made of. The daimyo gently tilted her chin up, mirroring her smile as he slid open the golden dragon door. He motioned for her to enter, and she happily obliged. The room was just as beautiful as the main hall, lightly swaying tapestries adorning the rich wooden walls. Raised tatami mats cushioned her feet as she stepped into the room. An incense stick was burning at a small desk in the corner, lavender scented smoke sending a thrill up her spine. She could hardly believe this was happening. She turned to face the older man and bowed once more, fighting back the tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Oyakata-sama. I will not let you down. You have my word."

The daimyo nodded, the same soft smile gracing his features. "And I accept it graciously." He bowed slightly back to the young girl, amused to see the flicker of astonishment in her eyes. "Master Kenta shall stop by in the morning to begin your training. Only when he deems you ready shall your true work begin." Hanami nodded, bidding him a final farewell before watching the daimyo slide the fusuma closed. She let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding, settling herself down on the plush futon that had already been laid out for her. She looked around the room in awe, taking in the beauty of the space around her. She had her own desk, a small pile of parchment and an inkwell pushed into the right corner of it. If she had been more interested in the arts, this may have thrilled her. She simply smiled, watching the flame of a lantern above her flicker in the light breeze drifting through the room. It was hard to believe that just half a day ago, she had been pushing herself off of a rough patchwork futon in an overcrowded community shelter. Sighing, she undressed, sliding underneath the silky covers and nestling her cheek against the cushion beneath her head. The daimyo had been kind enough to offer her such a nice room. She would have to remind herself to thank him when she awoke. For the first time in a long time, Hanami found it easy to drift off into the realm of dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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