Chapter Three

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An unfamiliar alarm blarred in my ear. I shot up , ramrod straight, dazed and confused. I quickly recognized the sound. With relief and annoyance, I plopped back against the mattress.

“ Mikey, what are you doing in bed? It's nearly eight! If we're late, I'm going to kill you.” Melissa nagged at me from the foot of the bed.

I cracked an eye open to look at her. Her lower half was wrapped in a sarong and a skimpy bikini top was all that covered her torso. I could hear her high heel shod foot tapping against the floor.

“ Late for what?” I asked groggily, sitting up.

She stomped her foot, “ The pool party, Mikey!”

I cocked my head, “ Uh, that's in the afternoon.”

“ It is the afternoon. You slept all day.” The annoyance in her voice brought me fully around.

“It is? Oh I'm sorry, Mel. How much time do I have to get ready?” I threw off the comforter and wondered where my suit was.

“ About ten minutes.” she sidled up to me, landing a kiss on my cheek, “Hurry up, tiger.” and she sashayed out the door. I made a face at her, thankful that she didn't turn around.

I dug through my dresser for my suit. Nothing. I scurried over to the bathroom and found it balled up in a corner. Melissa's doing no doubt. She hated the thing.

I dressed quickly into the hated swim suit. Personally, I didn't see the problem. It was just white with green stripes going down the sides.

“Mikey!” I heard from the kitchen. I winced at the shrill tone.

Grabbing a white button down, I wiggled my arms into it while running out to the garage. I paused at the key rack.

“ Hey, Mel, what car are we taking?” I scratched my head as the massive assortment of keys. I only drove one and it was a beat up old jeep that Melissa wouldn't be caught dead it. That was the only one I could identify. A large key chain with a 'c' engraved onto it dangled from the ring. I smiled. Claire's old car.

A harried voice came from the garage. “ The Aston Martin. Now, come on!”

When I made it to the garage, Melissa was already in the driver's seat. I jumped over the door and into the passenger. With a click of the seat belt, we zoomed down the driveway and into the crowded streets.

Music thumped through the walls of Jenna's mansion as Melissa squealed and giggled with her friend. I can safely say that I felt my brain cells dying. But that might have been all of the ridiculous things people were smoking.

“Mel, you wouldn't believe what I went through to get Lucas Walker her tonight! I mean, he's been in town for, like, forever, so you think he'd be easy to get to but that receptionist of his can be a bitch. I called three times and she kept saying he was busy. Some photo shoot.” she rolled her eyes. “As if. He's a singer, not a photographer.”

I winced at this. I remembered the name Lucas Walker. And his receptionist. The one who's said Melissa was at a photo shoot. I wish I could say I was surprised that I'd been lied to.

Melissa glanced my way, “Oh someone was probably taking pictures. You know how musicians get.” Jenna caught her glance and smiled wickedly.

“ Hey, Micheal.” she purred as she pawed at my half exposed chest. I contained at shudder, wishing I'd worn a t-shirt. Or a haz-mat suit.

“ Hey Jenna.” I smiled past gritted teeth. The way she was shoving her, um, chest at my face was most unappreciated. Her bikini was even worse that Melissa’s.

Slender arms wound their way around my neck as she nuzzled into my shoulder. “You have no idea how much I've missed you! We need to see each other more.” her eyes clearly relayed what she really wanted.

“ Hem. Yes, well. Uh, I gotta go.” I twisted out of her grip and grabbed Melissa's arm. I pulled her out the glass patritions onto the pool deck.

“Hey! Mikey, cut it out! What's wrong with you?” Melissa glared at me, flicking a misplaced lock of hair out of her eyes. I rubbed my palm against my face.

“ Sorry, Mel. I just can't be around her.”

Her face lit up. “ I know, right? Total skank. I mean, did you see her swim suit? Totally last year. Speaking of fashion, are you really coming to Paris with me?”

I didn't bother trying to process how she changed subjects. “If it'll make you happy, I will.” Her giddy smile had me smiling myself.

“ It's going to be so much fun! First we're going to hit a few of those trendy boutiques, then once I have a few new outfits, we'll tour the shows.” As she rattled off the trip plans I felt myself losing interest. I nodded whenever appropriate and grunted at all the right moments. I was getting way to good at this.

Raised voices caught my attention. I shifted my gaze over and saw two men shoving at each other near the edge of the pool. A woman in a red bikini stood at the edge, seeming to be the reason for the argument.

One man was yelling in a British accent, “ I told you to stay away from her! Not to feel her up!”

“Man , she was practically asking for it!” The man's face was turning red under his shag of blond hair. My eyes narrowed in distaste. Men like him gave us all bad names.

He snorted, “ As if she would come on to you. You're hardly worth her time.” he roughly grabbed the girls wrist, “ Come on, babe, we're outta here.”

Blondie's face contorted even further, “ Hell, I'm not done talking to you!” He grabbed the other man's shoulder and spun him back towards him. The man stumbled and jerked the girl off balance. She teetered on the balls of her feet, arm windmilling around as she wobbled on the very edge of the pool. With a high pitch shriek, she fall with a splash.

The british guy spun on him. “ See what you've done!” And he swung his fist at the other man. A loud brawl ensued.

My attention was on the girl. She'd been down there for a few seconds longer than necessary. Was she just playing it up? I took a step closer, alerting Melissa of how I'd been ignoring her, and peered into the water.

The girl's dark hair whipped around her as she flailed helplessly in the water. Her eyes clenched themselves tightly closed and her lips formed inaudible cries for help.

“ Shit.” I growled out. I took off at a run with Melissa calling after me. Diving into the blue lit water, I reached out for the girl.

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