Chapeter Four

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I felt something touch my hand and I gripped frantically at it. I couldn't breathe. I needed air.

Something pulled me up through the water. I felt my face break the surface, but the air just wasn't coming. I vaguely realized that I was being hailed onto a hard surface and lain flat. I fell limp, fear and lack of oxygen made dark spots dance into my vision.

I voice, distant and rough, whispered, “Come on, sweetheart, you do it everyday. Breathe.” I felt my head being tilted upward and something warm and wet cover my mouth. Air rushed into my lungs, choking me and causing me to cough wildly.

“There you go. Coughing means you can breathe.” Rough hands turned me onto my side and I gagged up what felt like gallons of water. I managed to open my eyes.

The face hovering over me was in a word, striking. Dark eyes smiled at me from under dark brows. A crooked smile graced a sharply featured face. Dark stubble shaded his strong jaw. I almost died right then and there.

This was Micheal. Sweet, worried Micheal from the bus stop. I was in trouble.

“ What's going on here? Why the hell where you tonguing my girlfriend, Cunninghan!” I whipped my head around to see Lucas storming towards us, a crowd of spectators following close behind. I groaned silently. Another fight?

Micheal tensed at the sound of his voice. He slowly rose from where he was crouched next to me, and I was shocked to see that he was able to look down on Lucas. Not many that would could, and those that could wouldn't dare.

“ I'm keeping her alive, Walker. Care to lodge a complaint?” Micheal's voice got even gruffer. I shakily sat up, preparing to get between the men to stave off blows.

Micheal's dark head swiveled towards me, concern flooding his dark eyes. “ 'Ey, Sweetheart, try not to move. I haven't ruled out concussion.”

Lucas snorted, “ She fell in the pool, Cunninghan, not off a cliff. She was fine until you started groping her.”

I could practically hear his teeth clench together. “ Tell me something Walker. Did you know that your girlfriend can't swim? Because it sure didn't look like you cared.”

Lucas glared at me, as if my not being able to swim was my fault. I winced. I should have told him when he said we were going to a pool party. This was all my fault.

Lucas blustered. “ Of course I cared. I was just about to go after her until you saw your chance to put the moves on her.”

The blank look Micheal gave him sent shivers down my spine. He stooped down, slung an arm around my shoulders, and helped me get to my feet. I wobbled uncertainly.

“ I'm going to get you inside.” he said reassuringly, completely ignoring Lucas. I felt him fuming at that.

“Now you wait just a minute! You're not going anywhere with her.” Lucas grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face him more fully. Micheal glared at his hand and Lucas snatched it back as if it burned. I was astonished. Rarely did Lucas back down from anything, much less a fight.

“ Good. Now let's go.” Micheal gently wrapped his long, rough fingers around my wrist and led me to the sliding glass doors of the house. I suddenly felt small and delicate in his confident grip. It wasn't the same small feeling as when Lucas was mad at me, more like I didn't need to be tough when someone like Micheal was holding me.

Knock it off, I told myself. He's just making sure you don't have a concussion, not exactly a warm embrace on his part. But I couldn't deny the feeling.

As I was led through the house, I couldn't help but notice how broad his shoulders were. A white button down, made transparent with water, clung to his well muscled back. I felt ashamed of how I must look. The skimpy red bikini Lucas had chosen for me was hardly suitable for meeting new people. Or remaking acquaintances.

Did he recognize me? I recognized him without hesitation, but he'd looked much the same, where as I had on thick layers of water proof cosmetics. I had been thankful for those cosmetics too. They covered the dark purple bruises nicely.

Oh God, this man knew that my boyfriend was hitting me! The shame burned at my cheeks. When I'd met the concerned stranger, he'd been nothing more than that. A stranger. Now he was a philanthropist who knew who I was.

Micheal ushered me through a doorway into what looked like an office. He steered me onto a plush leather couch. He sunk down on it beside me.

His brown eyes were the color of pine bark. So dark they were nearly black with a faint silvery under tone, they stared deep into my own green orbs.

His voice was rough and gritty when he spoke.

“ Never really thought I'd see you again. It's good to see that I was wrong, Clover.”

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