Prologue - Yuris death/ a brother in need/ his powers unleashed

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Sonic pov

There was something terribly wrong with me...and that is the reason why people hate me...because I'm a freak...the only ones that don't is my mother, my father, my real friends, and my two brothers...those so-called friends of mine Tails and the others...they just picked on me and laughed at me...calling me weak, none, annoying, freak, useless, worthless, and even a disgraceful-Hedgehog. Every time I run into one of them or them all at once they laughed at me and said, GET AWAY YOU UGLY RAT!! Then they laughed at me as I ran. Later on that day they threw looks of disgust at me and said that they are not my friends... every time I try to hang out with them they just look at me with disgust and then they laughed at me and picked on me... I was crying so badly as they pointed and laughed at me knowing full well they hate me... one night I was walking in depression on the sidewalk when I saw Yuri walking to me and said in concern, Sonic...are you okay? I shook my head no and told her everything. By the time I finished she was really mad as she said, those selfish and heartless fools...*looks at me with concern* look don't listen to what they say Sonic...your a good kid...your nothing like that...your strong, brave, kind, and awesome...they don't know what they really still have me, Rika, Grey-sky, and even your brothers. I smiled knowing she was right. It was true...Yuri, Grey-Sky, and Rika were my only friends. But that's when things began... Yuri and I got to talking when we were done she walked down the street but then as I walked off but then I turn to see a car going towards Yuri. I screamed, YURI LOOK OUT!! I was too late Yuri got hit a little bit of her blood splashed on me as I looked in horror and sadness. I whispered, oh that's when something really atrocious happened... I felt a pain in my heart and my entire body started to gain a little pain. The driver laughed at me as a few of these idiot villains I have battled started to attack. Then my head started spinning as I said, I...I...I had it...I had it...ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Then I started to scream. Everyone can hear my blood curdling scream as I feel my head hurting so bad...then as if things became only bad I can hear bone-crunching, blood splattered, and screams of the villains I mostly defeated every day of my life. I opened my eyes as I shakily saw that they were dead. I was shaking in fear and in shock as I can see the driver shocked... that's when the driver who hit Yuri said, okay there? He got out and walks to me but I shouted, DON'T GET NEAR ME YOU MURDERER!!! Then as I said murderer he flies back from a force no one has seen good enough to explain... it was hard enough for his neck-bone to crack...and his head bleed from the back. I shook in fear about what happened. That's when Cream walk to me in concern but as I was about to shout my younger brother T.K. Walked in front of me and said, don''ll get hurt. I kneeled down as T.K. checked up on me and said in concern, are you okay big brother? I slowly shook my head at him and said, no... unaware that Shawn called my older brother. Then on cue Manic showed up and kneels down besides me and asked, what happened? I told him everything and then I screamed and cried as I shouted, MANIC WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! in concern he said in a calm, panicked, and concern tone as he grabbed me and rocking me slowly, it's okay's okay...calm down...calm's okay it's okay.... I whispered as I cried, I'm scared friend died and everything is... Manic interrupted, Sonic listen...just calm's wasn't your fault... Manic mumbled to himself it was only I can hear it, oh man oh man oh man how could this happen? T.K. Said, they must've unleashed his powers...the ones he can't control. Yeah...powers I can't control...the powers of shining like the moon, giving life to others, and to Murder. But I have more than that.

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