Goodbye May Seem Forever

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I lost the previous parts to this love story. But, we enter in on two young cats, in love, clearly. But it was a cross Clan thing, between two Clans renowned for hating eachother with another passion to bash the Titanic, or any other passionate movie... And they were caught by the leader of SerpentClan, who is known for his extreme temper and occasionally testy punishments, and Hazelfire was sent away. The two found cover and had two beautiful kittens, but something is about to disrupt their harmony.

Hazelfire bustled in the make shift den her and her two kits had lived for the past two quarter moons. Loudkit and Featherkit played in the sunlight, they squealed and batted at eachother and the queen couldn't help but regretting what she had to do. "Come, Loudkit and Featherkit." she called over to them, "We're going to see your father."

Featherkit hopped towards her mother's paws. "Loudkit bit me!" she complained, pausing to lick her shoulder. She puffed up her silver fur, "It wasn't nice!"

The queen soothingly licked Featherkit's ear, and then turned to Loudkit who had his ears laid back. His green eyes were narrowed. "Is that true, Loudkit? Did you bite her? That's not nice to do." she scolded gently.

Loudkit shuffled his paws guiltily, "I didn't mean to, well, not that hard..." he confessed, looking down at the ground his tail drooping.

Hazelfire smiled despite herself, "Its okay, but say sorry to your sister." The ginger and white cat nudged him toward Featherkit.

"I'm sorry I bit you, Featherkit." he apologized, licking her nose to add to it.

The silver she-kit didn't need anything else, and butted her head against his shoulder. "Its okay Loudkit!" she said brightly, "Come on! Race you to that tree!" Featherkit indicated a tree that was leaning far over to the side.

Hazelfire watched them dash off sorrowfully, she tried to remain bright to the visit to her mate. But then... it would be goodbye... Goodbye to the ones she held most dear. She sighed and thought over her plan for the thousandth time today. When they met up with Cloudheart, all together they would go to the river. She wished they wouldn't have gone to the river, so many memories that were dear to her happened there. When they arrived they would meet up with Mintleaf and Sorrel. The queen choked up when she thought of the last part. The kits would go with Mintleaf, she would have to tell them they were just going to stay there awhile. But she didn't know if she would ever see them again.

The kits had returned from their race, Featherkit arriving victorious. She didn't know why her mother was walking so slowly. She placed her tiny paws on Hazelfire's fore leg. "Mama, whats wrong?" she asked, with a tilt of her head.

She didn't look at her kits curious, and tried to sound cheerful. "I'm just excited to see your father." Featherkit paused, thinking it was an odd answer but jumped forward and swatted at Loudkit who looked cross from losing the race.

All three of them padded through the shaded pine forest. It was so different from the cozy oak wood that she had always lived in, but she wasn't allowed there with her kits. She remembered the gut wrenching disappointment at herself when Badgerstar had sent her away. Never to return if she had her kits with her. Hazelfire could barely imagine leaving her kits, but without a clan she felt empty and desolate.

The queen shook her head to clear it, and jumped forward. "Come now, just through these brambles..." She pushed through the undergrowth, picking up Featherkit in her jaws amidst a chorus of complaints of thorns and prickles.

Cloudheart was sitting at the base of a strong smelling pine tree when she heard the rustling of undergrowth being shifted and squeals of protest. He smiled bitterly, his blue eyes dull and unhappy. He stood and trotted toward the patch of brambles and couldn't help chuckling at the sight. Hazelfire had gotten her backside through the brush, but thorns had snagged her fur and locked her in place. She had the protesting Featherkit in her jaws, and Loudkit was squealing at the top of his apparently strong lungs about being stuck in the thorns.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2010 ⏰

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