When a Catholic guy named Kim Taehyung meets Jeon Joengguk, a guy who has never said the word God.
"You know this path leads to my empty apartment"
"Yeah, it also leads to the church."
This was the first morning Jeongguk were having a proper breakfast since he started in college. Other mornings were filled with anxiety of running late or, an exhaustion that wouldn't let him cook. He would buy either tuna rice roll or a skewered sausage on the way to college. Which he didn't really enjoy, but since it was the cheapest food in the whole convenient store (Ya boy did his research) he felt like he could endure it for a while. This morning was neither filled with anxiety or exhaustion, but a little kitchen table filled with egg toast sandwiches, black bean rice topped with kimchi and tofu brought by the old lady next door. As he took a seat Jeongguk stared with his bunny eyes at the food but quickly dug in to ensure it wasn't just a dream.
Saturdays weren't really Jeongguks favorite day of the week but now that its the only day he's free from college and assignments, he wanted to make the most out of it. So he heads out to explore the new town, it's in the middle of autumn but the sun is shining so brightly that it makes Jeongguk regret taking his jacket with him. Earphones in both ears and jacket hanging from his arm he struts the opposite way he had been taking every day. He didn't know where Uljins best places to visit were, and since everybody in the small but unknown town had eventually decided to not befriend him, he figured out it would be lonely if he went alone.
After he wandered through the town, ate ice cream and bought a cute little keychain from a booth, he finally entered a shopping center. Compared to the ones in Seoul it was really small and not so modern and appealing on the outside, which didn't bother Jeongguk at all when he saw that everything was a lot cheaper on the inside.
There was a lot of things Jeongguk wanted to buy but every time he got reminded once again that the money he's using is his parents. No matter how cheap something was, or how much the item was worth the money, he would feel bad. The apartment he lived in was theirs, they paid for his tuition, and they even left him a little amount of money for his food. But they weren't rich. Not even close, they worked from day to night so their child didn't have to. He was told the money-saving started when they got married. Didn't even have a wedding, all they did was save for their son, their one and only child who they sacrifice so much for, so he can educate, become a wealthy man one day, hold a proper wedding for his lover and live to the fullest.
That's why Jeongguk can't use money that easily. If he got picked at in school for the clothes he wore he would never tell his mom to buy him new ones, and when the boys in his class were all talking about the awesome movie they watched with their dads in the cinema he didn't even bother to tell his dad about the movie. And he did try to get himself a part-time job but his parents were all against the idea of children working, they shouldn't use their most precious time of life on working.
Then like it was destiny he faced a shop looking for part-timers. Both hesitant and hopeful Jeongguk entered a small watch-shop, it was stuffed with Rolexes and Vacheron Constantines everywhere you could lay your eyes on. Pushing his chest slightly upward he knocked on the table and an old lady appeared from the back door. His shoulders automatically relaxed when he saw who it was, the old lady next door owned a watch shop!
*she's rich but brings tofu like a housewarming gift??*
It looked like she could read Jeongguks thoughts as she looked kinda offended. Jeongguk tried to forget the creepy feeling as he started with a smile: "It's nice to see you again grandma! Thank you for the tofu I really enjoyed it! I also saw the part-timer poster outside, do you still need someone?"
At last, he got the job. It took a lot of effort to convince her to hire someone inexperienced but it was worth it. And after 10 minutes she had to go somewhere very quick because of a call she got and Jeongguk was on the first day of his job.
Then 20 minutes went by, and so 40 went by, then 50 minutes went by and nothing. No one even looked through the window. Jeongguk was reaching for his phone when he realized. It was gone. His freaking jacked were gone! Along with his phone and wallet! "Oh, shit shit shit this can't be happening" Panic storms through his body as he starts to walk from side to side in that tiny shop looking everywhere possible" "Did that old lady steal it?!?" "Did I even bring it with me?!?" He couldn't think straight anymore and left the watch-shop unprotected. He couldn't afford a new phone, his food money would be gone, and, the picture of her, the only picture he had left. He had to find it. He stormed through the other shops, his breathing was unsteady, he felt like he was about to faint.
Until somehow reaches to the ice cream booth he first went too. The lady immediately understood from his uneven breathing what he was looking for. She trotted to the side and picked up a familiar leather jacket. Without a word he grabbed the jacket and searched inside as if something wasn't there, her effort of keeping his belongings safe until he came was worthless. But when he found what he was looking for his eyes dwell up out of happiness.
He was slowly heading back to where he came from with his jacket in a tight grip. He literally forgot where he was supposed to be. As he was getting close to the watch-shop he could hear screams, from the old lady! He started running but was forced to the ground as someone in a mask raced past him. Jeongguk knew by the old ladies screams that he just met a thief. He dashed after the thief but to no help. He was out of sight in a matter of seconds. Jeongguk stood there still, waiting for the consequences.
Was that a thief that just passed by??
Wait- Isn't that Jeongguk standing there?
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