The Detinkeller Egg

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A World Unknown
Chapter Fourteen
The Detinkeller's Egg

As Peter led me towards the hospital wing, I couldn't help but get the feeling that his eyes kept making quick glances back at me to make sure I was still there.

Thinking the entire way would remain in silence, I began to zone out as I began to pay attention to the way, getting a feel for what the school looked like just in case I ever needed to go anywhere again. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice Peter was calling out to me until he tugged on my sleeve, "HEY! Can you nogifted people not hear or something?!" He exclaimed loudly with an offended tone.
I zoned back in on him and looked a bit surprised, our expressions changed as his eyes widened suddenly, "Wait – I meant to call you nongifted, sorry! I get them confused."

"Er – it's fine. Are we nearly there?" I asked, changing the topic, but he persisted, "I don't want you to think I'm a bad apple, because I'm not! Now, I know the two words sound similar, but they have two different meanings, and what someone calls you can tell you a whole lot about a person. I don't care whether anyone is gifted or not, so long as you can keep your nose clean!"

I gave up hope that he'd answer any of my questions, so I remained silent. We didn't walk but five feet before he continued again, "My brother Allistor says that nongifted people can't see Illendotters, so are you by any chance actually a witch? Because Dylan says it's possible."

"I don't know," I replied lamely, "look, are we almost there, Peter?"

"Oh, not yet." His high-pitched voice answered, "Are you dating that Vladimir?"

Immediately, my face went hot as I shot a glare down at him, "Of course not! What on earth gave you that assumption?!"

"I dunno, you two hang out a lot, don't you?" He answered, not noting my embarrassment.
I sighed, letting go of my feelings as he was just a tiny child and didn't seem all too aware with what he was saying.

"Well, here we are, the finest hospital wing in the school!" Peter grinned as he led me into the room.

"The finest? Do you mean there's more than one?" I asked with wonder as I looked up at the large ceiling that seemed to go on forever. Many coloured candles were floating high above, all lit, but none seemed to be dripping wax below.
"Course not," Peter replied bluntly, "this is a school, ma'am, not a hospital."

He skipped on his toes towards the middle of the room where a bed seemed to be missing.
"Um – Alfred?" Peter called out to the empty void.

We waited a few seconds and I began to feel foolish just standing around and looking at the wall, but then suddenly, with a weird swooshing sound, Alfred appeared, laying down on a bed with his torso and legs in bandages. He had his wand in hand, but upon revealing himself, he set it down by his side, "If it isn't my biggest fans." Alfred spoke lamely.

"Come to bow to me? Come to alas pay your respects to me, the knight who saved you all?" He joked, dramatically looking at the ceiling above.

"Just came to make sure you're alright. It's been two days since you got hit, hasn't it?" I asked.
"Almost exactly thirty-five hours since my tragic accident." He said, glancing at us both to make sure we felt sorry for him.

"You've been counting?" Peter chirped up.
"Only counting the hours I've been alone, why hasn't my dear Vladimir come to visit me?" He cried out, pretending to be hurt. The tone of sarcasm he held was so astounding that I began to wonder if he was ever in any real pain or if he was coping with his pain by making light of it all and laughing.

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