Chapter 3

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Two chapters in one day! Awesome right?! Now here's the story!

An alarm had started to go off, earning groans from both of the boys. Ghirahim shut the alarm off and sat up. His hair was a complete mess and his makeup was very smeared as well. Link look at him and started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Ghirahim asked. The boy only continued to laugh. Ghirahim, very confused, went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "MY FABULOUS HAIR!!!" He yelled, slamming the door and quickly fixing his hair and makeup. Link wiped a few tears as he calmed his laughter down. Ghirahim came out of the bathroom, his hair tamed and makeup reapplied. "I am quite offended you laughed at my unfabulousness." He huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." The boy said chuckling. "It was a bit funny wasn't it?" Ghirahim asked, laughing a little. Soon laughter filled the room as both boys laughed. The two had fell on the floor, still laughing. A knock came to their apartment door, and the two went silent.

"I'll get it." Link said, walking towards the door. The moment he opened it, he was tackled to the ground by none other than Zelda. "Zelda, please get off me." Link said trying to pry away from her death grip. "I missed you soooooooooo much!!!" She exclaimed then got off of him. He gets up and sighs. "What do you want Zelda?" He asked the female in front of him. "I wanted to see you!! It felt like forever since we've seen each other." She grinned. He sighed. "We saw each other just yesterday. Look, Zelda, you're sweet and all but I don't like you clinging onto me all the time. I know you love me but I don't love you. My heart is for another." He said, completely oblivious to the white haired male hiding behind the corner, well trying to anyway. "What do you mean Link? We're meant for each other!" She said. He shook his head. "That's only in the movie Zelda, not in real life. Please, I want you to leave me alone." The boy said. Her eyes filled with anger. "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?! WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!!!!!" She yelled. "You don't un-" "OH I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!! YOU LIKE LANA DON'T YOU?!" She growled. "ZELDA, I'M NOT STRAIGHT! I'M GAY ALRIGHT!" Link yelled, then immediately covered his mouth. "Wait, you're gay?" She asked. "Yes, I am..." He looked down. Zelda stayed silent then walked out of the apartment.

Link ran to his room, locking the door, and curled up on the floor. Sobs were heard through the apartment. Ghirahim rushed to his door, knocking on it quickly. "Link?! Please open the door!" He begged the blonde. A click was heard, and Ghirahim rushed to his aid. He held him close as Link sobbed into shirt. Ghirahim didn't care about his shirt, all he cared about was helping the crying male hugging him close. "'s ok, everything will be ok." He soothed, stroking the blonde's hair gently. Slowly, the sobs had quieted down into sniffles. "I'm so scared Ghirahim, what if she tells our friends and the producers? What if they don't like me anymore and want me out of the movie? What if-" Link was cut off by lips crashing onto his. His eyes went wide, seeing that it was Ghirahim's lips. His eyes started to close, as he kissed him back. The warm feeling had left him as the demon lord pulled away. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." He said cupping the hero's cheek, stroking it with his thumb. Link leans into his touch, nodding. "Thank you." Link's voice was barely over a whisper, yet it was still heard by the male in front of him. "You're very welcome." Ghirahim smiled before kissing his forehead.

The Star Of My Heart-Ghirahim x Link modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now