Chapter 9

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The boys had the day off from filming, along with the others. Link was happy he didn't have to see Zelda today. He really didn't want to deal with her. Ghirahim was asleep, as he stayed up late last night. Link knew he needed his sleep so he left Ghirahim be. Link sighed, clearly bored. He didn't know what to do. "Come on Link, use that brain of yours." He said. His brain, however, didn't agree with him. He lets out a quiet groan, and looked around. He realized how dirty the apartment was. "I guess cleaning is better than nothing." He mumbled to himself.

As he was dusting off the last shelf, he heard Ghirahim walk into the room. "Morning sleepyhead." Link chuckled. "How long have you been up?" Ghirahim asked. "Since 7 am." The boy replied. "What time is it?" Ghirahim asked. "It's nearly noon." Link said. "I slept that late?! That's not like me at all." The demon groaned. The boy giggled. "Well, you did stay up late last night." He mentioned to the demon. "That is true." Ghirahim sighs. "Are you hungry?" Link asked. Ghirahim nods. "I'll whip up some grilled cheese and tomato soup. How does that sound?" Link asked. Ghirahim smiles and nods, clearly hungry.

Link made Ghirahim the food, which Ghirahim ate quickly. The boys decided to go out around the city, going into shops and buying stuff. Course, Ghirahim paid for everything even though Link insisted on buying. Ghirahim refused, saying he was gonna buy no matter what. Link gave in and let him. "Where to now?" Ghirahim asked Link, holding many bags in his arms. "How about we stop at home to drop this stuff off?" He asked. Ghirahim nods. Link helps him carry some of the bags as they walked home.

Fi had spotted them from across the street, so she headed towards them. "Oh, hello Fi. What brings you here?" Ghirahim asked. He and Fi were siblings, so it always cheered him up to see his sister. "I happened to spot you from across the street, so I came over to say hello." She said smiling. Ghirahim smiled too. "It's so nice to see you, it's been a while." He said smiling. Link smiled and waved at her. "It is nice to see you too Link." She smiled. "Would you like to hang out with us?" Ghirahim asked. Fi nodded, helping carry some of the groceries.

They arrived at the apartment, putting the groceries away. "What shall we do next?" Fi asked. "How about some video games?" Link asked. The siblings agreed. They all had fun playing the games and soon passed out on the couch hours later, where they slept through the whole day and night.

Sorry it's short! Couldn't think of anything

The Star Of My Heart-Ghirahim x Link modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now