Chapter 1

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Mckeliah's Pov

"Liaaaaaaahhhhhhh" I heard Evie screaming my name downstairs I groan into my pillow but don't move because I think she'll leave me alone but yet I heard my bedroom door burst open an next thing I know it Evie is on top of me. I let out a small shriek because of the impact.

Evie an I have been best friends since 2nd grade when I was crying because I cut my finger Evie came over an help me an since them we have been inseparable not one moment in my life Evie is always there for me an I've been there for her Evie has long blonde with beautiful blue eyes she's very out going as me but she's more she's not afraid to go after what she wants an a smile to die for me has the right colour for skin not too pale not too bright she loves to party as well as me like to stay in now I'm not as out going as I was before everything happen but let's not talk about that she's 17 as well as me we just finished junior year an now we are in summer she's ready to party she says sge wants to di alot of stuff before our last year in high school

"Liah come on get out of bed it's summer" she said shaking quite hardly to make me get up

"E please let me sleep I'm not in the mood for summer" I said you see I like been inside because I'm not the person I was my hole life I got my heartbroken yes u heard me heartbroken but I'll soon get to that

"Liah you can't be serious u can't keep mopping around because of that asshole he doesn't deserve u an I swear to god if he shows he's face here again I'll murder him " she said while making squishy noises making me laugh lightly

That's why I love this girl she doesn't wanna see me said or upset

"E u are just crazy that's why I love you" I said finally sitting up in bed

She smiles widely an said "I love u too liah"

So I guess you wanna know what happen why I'm this way well let me start. It was early in my junior year I just start I was all ready an so was Evie even preparing to love someone my mom got me all lovey so here I was walking down the hallways of Waterwell high school yeah I know weird name anyways I was walking towards my locker to wait for Evie but she never came so I just went to wait on her at our tree we have this since we would just chill an talk or go to when we have a free period found in in our freshman year an we go there every since so here I was walking to our tree when I saw a boy standing there like he was looking for someone me been curious walks up to me an asked "What are u doing here" he slight jump frightened by my voice an quickly turned around facing me

He was gorgeous let me tell you he had jet black hair an dark green beautiful eyes he had on a blue jeans with a v-neck shirt I stared at his for like a couple of seconds before I could talk again he notice I was staring an gave me an nice smile an asked "like what you see?" I cheek turn bright red when he asked I turned away an started walking back towards the school only to here him call me name "mckekiah" I stopped dead in my tracks an turned around slowly curious to how this gorgeous boy in front me knew my name

"How um do- do you know my nname" I stutter I didn't mean to i don't know why in stuttering I never get nervous but someone how he makes me nervous he just smiled at me an walk over towards me I stood there looking at my shoes likes it's the most interesting thing to me then he spoke

"I've seen you around school an I'm in ur English class so" he trailed off I looked up at him seeing him still smiling at me

"Oh well I didnt know anyone was here" I said looking in his eyes there are so beautiful

"Well I was waiting for someone but it looks like they aren't going to show up" he said coming a lil too close to me my breath hitch at how close me are now basically touching

I stepped back a lil only for him to step close again so I spoke up "Um well I was coming here to wait on my best friend but doesn't look like she's coming either" he took another step closer if that was even possible an whisper in my ear "Well then I think we should go inside an look for them" I felt my hairs on the back of my neck stand up at his breath against my ear I just nodded

He was walking away almost inside the school when he turned around smiling at me an say something " btw my name is Josh" an with that he left went back in the school leaving me all fluttered


So ever since that day me an Josh have become really close we would hang out alot about our dislikes an likes he was perfect I felt myself falling for him slowly but didn't know he felt the same way until he asked me out an we were together through the whole year an he kept asking if i was going to seal the deal with him but I said no he understand an yes I'm a virgin anyways i thought he understands but turns out he didn't it was 3 weeks left for school to close an I was excited because u would spend the summer with my boyfriend so I was on my way to his house so we could go out i parked my car in his driveway an got out locking it I was also thinking I was tell him I love u since we haven't said it yet but I was certain I love him an hopefully he says it back to me so I was walking up to his house which wasn't big but enough for his family

I knocked but no one answered to i tried to see if the door was open an it was so I just walked in taking off my shoes an jeans jacket an liad it on the couch he was probably sleeping so I went to the kitchen an grab a bottle water out of his fridge an I was taking a sip I heard some shuffling an noises go in on upstairs so i went up thinking he was waking up

I climbed the stairs an the noises became louder almost sound like moans so I walking towards his room which was the last door on the right the door was slight open so I could see what was going on when I stepped close enough what I saw broke me into a million pieces what I saw was my boyfriend lay on his bed with a girl on top on him riding off his f*cking dick hearing her moan out his name an telling him to go faster i stand at his door watching as my eyes filled with tears an slowly run down my cheek I didn't say anything u just watched as he enjoyed that girl until they were finished an she lay beside him bother breathing heavily then the girl asked him a question " Hey aren't you with that girl umm mckeliah i think"

He looked at her an answered "yeah soooo" he trailed off more tears leaving my eyes "don't you think she'll find out i mean you have have been together for a long while" I watched ad he turned his head towards the girl "nah i don't she's pretty an all but I only wanted the thing yah know an she's ain't giving it to me I'll probably end it tomorrow" as he said those words I rushed out of this house slamming his door shut running towardsmy car as of now I was full on crying I had been use an lied to he never loved me or even like me I was just this play thing as i got the keys out of my purse I saw him coming out of his house stocked to see me

I unlocked my car an jump in starting it he was running towards my car screaming my name telling me to stop but I didn't...I didn't wanna hear his lies anymore so I drove to as fast as I could sobbing as I repeated his words in my mind 'i just wanted the thing' the thing he called it I wiped my tears but failed because more keep coming I reach my house turn off my car jump out an ran to my door bursting through it to find my mom an dad talking in the kitchen my mom saw me an frown she walk towards me an ask "honey what's wrong" as she said that I broke in tears falling onto the ground my mom rushed towards me as see as my father trying to calm me down once u was calmed I told then everything thst happen my Dad was furious kept cursing staying he's gonna kill Josh but I calmed him down

I called Evie told her as well am she was angry an saying she was coming over so I change into comforting clothes my green joggers an my a pink tank top I crawled into bed 5 mins later Evie came an we talked ate ice cream an watch Netflix she told me I'll find love again an be happy I shake my head

"Evie i will never in my life love again isn't not worth broke me E my first love it broke me I'll never love again" she doesn't reply just nod her head as we continue watching Netflix

So that's my story I hoped u liked's my first official story hope it's not to short or long for u

I post chapter 2 so thanks guys hope u enjoy😎😎

Ps. The media is a pic of mckeliah

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