Chapter 7 party part 3

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Mckeliah's Pov

I don't know how long we were sleeping for but i woke up to someone banging on the room door I slightly rub my eyes to take the sleep out of it a got up slowly an open the door to see who it was as I opened it I saw someone who I never thought I'll see again who ruined me in a ways I couldn't possibly imagine yep you guesses it it's fuckimg Josh the boy who cheated on me broken me an ruined love for me who I gave my fucking first kiss to i was actually going to give him my virginity on the last day of school so he wouldn't leave me I know pathetic right?? Yea I know

I stand there looking at this piece of a ex boyfriend I felt like crying becuz of the pain but I didn't I will not waste my tears on him he looked me right in the eye an smiled why the fuck is he smiling

"Well look who it is it's mckeliah long time no see" he said smirking I just rolled my eyes

"So how are you these days hmm" he looked at me like I'm a fresh piece of meat " I've seen you've got sexy over the time huh liah" he said looking at my chest

"Hi josh an what the fuck are you doing here I thought you moved away" M

"Oh I did I just came back for the summer you know" J

I rolled my eyes an gave him a death glare he turned his head side ways so he could see in the room an saw Jake on the bed shifting like he was waking up

"I see you have company" he eye Jake sitting up on the bed

Jake look around until he saw me at the door an smiled until he saw Josh the smile disappear an turned to anger he got up off the bed an wrap his hands around my waist tightly

"Who the fuck are you " Jake said angrily

"The names Josh nice to meet you" he said putting his hand out to shake Jake glared at it then back at Josh

"Ok let's go liah we're going downstairs" Jake said removing his hand from my waist an grabbing my hand pulling me away from Josh I was happy to be away from Josh becuz of what happen we were going down the stairs an a very energetic party going on we walked into the kitchen an saw Dylan making out with some girl I cringe the sight

Jake dragged Dylan away from the girl causing Dylan to curse I giggle at how childish he is

"Dylan let's go" Jake said still angrily  I wonder why

"Dude why it's not even midnight yet we always stay until midnight" he said reminding Jake

"Dude I don't care let's go" Jake walked out with my hand in his an stopped dead in his tracks an I hit his back hard I groaned see as to why he stopped

"Why did you stop" he didn't answer he just kept staring at something or should I say someone a girl across the dance floor talking to her friends until she turned around an saw Jake I was confused as to why they were having a fucking stating contest going on I touched Jake's arm to feel he is tense as fuck I wonder why sudden he turned around an went through the glass doors towards the pool an I followed so did Dylan

"Hey Jake" I said but he ignored me

"JAKE" I said a little louder but he still ignored me

"JAKE FUCKING ANSWER ME" I shouted getting really pissed off thst he's ignoring me

Finally he turn around an what I saw crushed my heart Jake with tears in his eyes I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him he was so tensed but he slowly relaxed an hugged me back burying his face in my neck crying softly we hugged for a minute until he let go an wiped his eyes quickly

He cleared his throat an said " let's go home please" he said softly I just nod my head an pulled him through the house with Dylan behind holy fuck I completely forgot about that dude anyways while I was pulling him out of the house the girl I saw early was looking straight at us I gave her a death glare an she gave me one as well

We reached the car an I grabbed the keys from his pocket

"What do you think your doing" asked Jake I looked at him like he's stupid

"I'm driving you home" I said in the most obvious way

"No your not " he said

"Yes I am"

"No your not"

"YES...I...AM" I looked him straight in the eye challenging him

Next thing I know it I was driving home Dylan an Jake home

Dylan was laughing his ass off because Dylan lost an argument to me an Jake was frowning like a 4 year old child I smiled all the way to my house I stopped the car in my street an turned towards a frowning Jake

"Oh would you stop frowning I'm already home" I said hitting his arm playfully

"Yeah dude chill out" Dylan said

"Yeah yeah" Jake said rolling his eyes

I got out of th car an so did Jake follow in up to my door step I told him it was ok he didn't have to but he insisted we reached my door step

"So you're wondering what happen tonight" Jake said looking anywhere but my eyes

"Yeah but I'm not going to force you are anything it's ok if you don't want to share you know we've haven't know each other that long so I've you think....." I trailed off getting really nervous all of a sudden looking down at the ground I felt his finger under my chin an lift my face up looking up in his eyes

"Liah I don't care really but I'm going to tell you anyways that girl you saw was my ex she cheated on me with some guy I don't even know she came home one night really late I asked her alot of questions were she's been so she got frustrated an told me he was with someone I didn't believe her at first because I love her an she wouldn't do that but I saw the hickeys on her neck an her lip stick was all over the place so I practically shouted at her to get out of my house an never speak to me again" the way he said everyone was like he was reliving it I felt like my heart was crying for him

I hugged him an he hugged me back tight as ever I whispered I'm sorry in his ears an he hugged me even tighter we finally let go after a long time an I completely forgot about Dylan sitting in the car waiting for him

"So your going to keep Dylan waiting" I said giggling a little

"Oh fuck I kinda forgot about him " he said scratching the back of his head shooting Dylan an sign telling he'll be there in a minitue

"So I'll tex you" he said

"Yeah definitely" I said blushing

"Your so cute when you blush" he said coming closer towards me

"Really" I blushed even harder moving close to him

"Yeah like a cute little kitten" he said coming closer so our nose we're touching

He started to lean in an so did I before our lips touched he whispered "my cute littke kitten" an our lips touch it was so gentle an softly we didn't move for a while until he started moving his lips against mine an we kissed for what seems like forever until we broke apart both of  us out of breath

"I'll see you tomorrow " I said

"See you tomorrow" he said kisses my cheek am walked back to his car driving off I went into my house an sign

Gosh I'm in deep fucking trouble

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