Chapter 6 party part 2

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Sorry I took so long guys I've been busy with school 11 grade is hard work

Mckeliah's Pov

I think I'm slightly tipsy I haven't drank that much I think about 5 cups I'm not sure right now I'm still in the kitchen with Jake by my side we haven't movedfrom our spot we just kept talking to each other an I've learned some stuff about jake but I'm still not 100 percent sure I trust him he is a player after all I've been at this party for over 2 hours now an I feel like dancing I started moving towards the dance floor when Jake grabs my arm I look up at him confused as to why he grabbed me he pulled me flush to his chest an whispers in my ear

"Going dancing without me now?" he smirks slightly I felt a shiver run down my spine I shake me head unable to use words

He yet again smirks an pull me towards the dance floor,once we reach the dance floor he placed his hands around my waist an u started moving my hips side to side slowly but surely Jake's hands move down to my hip an grip it tightly when I started grinding on him he pulled my behind more into him hearing him groan as I started grinding faster

Two more songs an I was tired of dancing an I wanted to pee from drinking so much fucking liquid I walked up the stairs stumbling al9mg the way i found the bathroom an did my business as I was existing the bathroom Jake was leaning at the wall waiting for me when he heard the door open his head snap towards mine I stayed there frozen not realizing watch to do

Jake pushed himself off the wall a walk towards me he's standing in front of me our nose brushing an his breathing against my lips i don't know what's happening because we are standing here just looking into each other's eyes for the longest two minutes until Jake leans in an his lips were on mine

I didn't know what to i was just standing there with his lips on mine until he started to move his lips against mine I closed my eyes an started to move my lips as well for a while we were just kissing slowly until his hands went to my hips pulling me closer I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss I heard him groan as he pushed me against the bathroom wall an close the door with his foot  he hoist me up so my legs wrap around his waist he leaves my lips an went to my neck leaving light kisses there he kisses me more an found my sweet spot an he sucked harshly I bit my lip to contain the moan that wanted to slip out he didn't like that so he sucked more until I couldn't handle it anymore an let out a loud moan I felt him smirk against my neck as he trailed kisses down my collar bone then back up to my neck then lips

I felt his tongue licks across my bottom lip asking for entrance i deny an he squeeze me ass casing me to gasp an be took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth exploring every inch of my mouth causing me to moan our tongue fought for dominance but he won after wards I don't know how but I felt myself been gently place on a bed my back against it an Jake in between my legs he started grinding against me an I moan in his mouth he trailed his lips down my neck an his hands roam all over my body hi hands went between my legs an I instantly came bk to my senses an pushed him off

He looked confused as to why I pushed him but I just lay there breathing heavily he came an lay beside me

" Are you ok? " he asked I just nodded but he continued

"I'm sorry know....I forced you are anything-g I just umm you know" he started to trail off an looking nervous I just giggled am touched his cheek he would stop he dud a turn his head to look at me I never noticed thst two of us have big blue eyes but he was brighter than mine I smile an stroke his cheek an push my fingers through his hair

"Relax you didn't force me into anything it's just I'm a........"I trailed off an he looked at me wide eyed knowing what I was going to say

"Virgin?" I just nod an he smiled

"It's ok I would never force you into something like that an worst we just met an we're not even together" I giggled realizing we are moving way too fast

"Look liah I know you've heard stories about me been a player an all an it's all true but I don't have sex that's a once in a while I just flirt you know the girl I do have sex with i try to make a relationship but they just want the D you know" he smirked saying the last part I just rolled my eyes playful an he continued " I did have a gf but that's a story for another time an I'm really starting to like you sooo would u like to go out some times you know with me" he asked nervously scratching the back of his head

Honestly I don't know what to say he's really cute an he's been sweet to me ever since we met but I'm not sure I can let myself get hurt again but I can't let that stop me I'm just go out with him see what's happening but still keep my walls up

I look at him an nods he gives me his biggest smile yet an it is so adorable I had to smile myself

"Great so how about Saturday say we go put" I nodded again an he cuddled up next to me I felt a slight blush creep up on my cheeks I fucking help me dear Lord

We were there for a while for a while until I heard short breath coming from Jake an I knew he fell asleep I turned around facing him an plant my head on his chest an slowly drift off to sleep cuz fuck knows I need it

An that's it ppl I know i know it's short but whatever deal with it

I've been busy with school it's my last year of school so yeah I'll update party part 3 I'll see y'all


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