A Beginning With No End

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           Harold. A man who loved his life. Not today. He sits at the foot of his dead wife's grave. Silence. Tears fall from his face, staining his khakis.

          "I'm sorry Karen," Harold mumbled. "I'm sorry I couldn't provide for you or be there when you needed me the most."

          This wouldn't have happened if he was there with her. It was his fault she was buried six feet in the ground. Taking her cries for help, and giving her the cold shoulder in return. Disappointment. Greedy, some may say, and indeed he was selfish for ignoring her. If only he was there and not in his office cubicle working to make an extra dime on his paycheck. Was that extra ten cents worth her love? Staring at her grave like a lost child, he sees a small blotch of yellow. Not the sun, but a balloon.

          "What in God's name?" Confused as to why the balloon was even there, he caught its string. He removed a white card attached to the bottom and read it. "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved -George Sand." The card reminded him that Karen once loved him unconditionally, but he could never reciprocate those feelings.

          A sudden creak of the cemetery gate shook Harold from his thoughts. Peering over his shoulder, he saw two folks walking hand-in-hand down the path. The bride was dressed in lace and white satin in contrast to the pressed, black tuxedo of her groom. Church bells began to ring in his head. The organ chords played as visions of a wedding filled his mind. His wedding.
In the dusty passages of his memory, white roses adorned the tables. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Most of all, Harold remembered Karen's smile. The recollection of that day always made him feel a blissful euphoria, but after a moment, it left him empty and cold.

          "Um sir, I believe that belongs to us," Harold heard the voice of a woman. What were they talking about? Following her gaze, he found what they were looking for. The balloon.

          "This?" he asked while clutching the balloon into his chest, not wanting to let go.

          "Yeah! Thanks for grabbing it," the woman jutted out her hands to grab the balloon, "we've been looking for one of these all day."

          "O-Oh! No problem," placing the balloon into the bride's hands, he felt complete.
          "Thank you?"
          "Harold. The names Harold,"
          "Maya. This is my husband, Dean," pointing between the two. ''Listen, we would love to chat, but we need to go," grabbing ahold of Dean's arm, Maya turns around pulling Dean along. Young love. Something that was new to them, but old to Harold. He begins to walk to the exit, a new chapter was waiting for his arrival. He stops halfway to glance back.

          "It's true. There was only one happiness in this life. You. Until tomorrow, my love."

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