Fangirl Mishap

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Umm, I'm trying to update faster but please forgive me if they are a bit slow, My dance classes have doubled, and then I have a performance soon, and I need to finish all my summer homework, while trying to learn the other dance for my other dance performance, so I'm very sorry for late updates. Well, I hope this one is good,

-DISCLAIMER- I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters............. geez these are annoying.

'Kanshi' = character thoughts


It was mid day, the hot summer sun beating down at everyone who was outside of their homes. Despite the heat, our little Saku-chan was still her bubbly self. She had somehow managed to convince her Kaa-chan to allow her to go to the park alone.

Humming happily, Sakura skipped down the streets of Konoha, waving and giving a happy smile to everyone. The villagers watched her go by with fond eyes, a soft smile spreading across even the coldest people's faces.

Almost at the park, she stopped when she saw a bunch of girls squealing happily and staring at something. Curious as to who all the 'Nee-chans' were staring at, little Sakura turned in that direction, before slipping easily through the crowd. Finally arriving at the one place where many of the girls had made a circle, Sakura was surprised to see her 'Tachi-Nii' standing there.

Smiling brightly, Sakura ran out from behind one of the older girls, and jumped on Itachi, letting out a happy yell of 'Tachi-Nii!!!!!!'. Noticing that it was Sakura, Itachi easily caught her in his arms and she hugged his neck tightly, oblivious to the glares of the fangirls.

Itachi however, saw the glares and returned them with his own signature Uchiha glare. Cowering, half of the fangirls hid, while the other half glared secretly at Sakura.

"Where are you going Sakura?" Itachi asked, looking down at the adorable chibi in his arms. Looking up at him, her emerald eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

"Kaa-chan said I could go to the park by myself!!! Im a big girl now!!!!" Sakura exclaimed with all the pride only a child could have. Chuckling slightly at her behavior, Itachi nodded his head before heading in the direction.

"Eh? Tachi-Nii is going to play in the park too?" Sakura asked, innocently confused, while tilting her head to side. Hiding his laughter at her question, Itachi shook his head and smirked at her instead.

"No Saku-chan, Im not going to play, sorry I have to do something for my Okaa-san, but I'll take you to the park," Itachi explained, using more words than he had ever used.

He watched as understanding dawned on Sakuras face and her mouth made an 'o' shape. Nodding her head, she turned herself around a little in his arms and her large emerald eyes took in their surroundings.

Arriving at the park entrance, he gently placed her on the ground. Landing softly on her feet, Sakura smiled up at him, before gesturing for him to bend down. Looking at her curiously, he bent down so that they were almost the same height.

Giggling, Sakura jumped up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying a "'thank you!'' and running off into the park.bFor a few seconds, Itachi just stayed there staring at where Sakura had run off, a blush slowly darkening on his cheeks. Finally realizing that he was standing there like an idiot, Itachi shook his head before turning on his heel and walking towards his home, an almost unnoticeable smile on his face.


Sakura was wandering around the streets of Konoha, having gotten bored with playing in the park. Staring up at the sky, she was mesmerized by the different clouds floating by, which is why she ran into something, or someone, she fell backwards onto the ground.

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