Shika-kun and Cho-kun!!

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I'm baaaaaaaack!!! And really sorry for the late updated but I needed some time to get my thoughts together and so that I could get my latest dance performance out of the way. Well, here's the chappie!

-DISCLAIMER- The day I own Naruto would be the day Tonton flies.

'Kanshi' = character thoughts


Sakura hummed happily as she skipped her way to the Nara compound. She wasn't exactly sure which house was Shikamaru's but she would leave that to her 'bodyguards' to figure out.

Speaking of her bodyguards, they were being overly protective in their own ways. Itachi was walking right behind Sakura, glaring at all the fangirls and fanboys. Shisui was walking a little next to Itachi, not looking anywhere other than Sakura, picking her up every time they passed a rocky part in the path. Naruto and Sasuke were both holding one of Sakura's hand, and walking a little in front of her, Sasuke practicing his standard Uchiha Glare on anybody who looked at them, while Naruto tried to scowl menacingly but failed horribly with his cuteness.

Sakura, oblivious to it all, just continued on her way, a sweet smile on her face as she hummed a cheery tune.


Yoshina and Shikhaku looked up as the doorbell rang. Confused, Yoshina looked at Shikhaku, raising an eyebrow, silently asking him if he had invited anyone. In response, he shrugged, looking just as confused as Yoshina. Wiping her hands on her apron, as she was in the middle washing the dishes and was about to make lunch, she walked towards the door.

Opening the door, Yoshina almost had a heart attack seeing the group of kids standing at her door. Well, you can't really blame her, it's not everyday that you see the Uchiha Prodigy, Shunshin Shisui, the baby Uchiha and the Hokages prized son standing on your doorstep. Still a little shocked, she tried to speak until she saw the small little pinkette standing there too, a big tray held in her arms. Almost instantly Yoshina's eyes turned to little hearts and she scooped up said pinkette, cuddling her tightly.

"Oh my aren't you the cutest thing? Yes you are, aren't you!! Aww those adorable chubby cheeks and those giant emerald eyes, you're just so cute!!!!" She squealed before hugging her even tighter.

"E-Etto.." Sakura stuttered, confused, but Yoshina didn't notice or ignored it in favor of hugging the tiny girl closer to herself. The boys standing at the door sweat-dropped at the scene, not exactly sure how to react to seeing a grown woman be reduced to a giggling pile of goo.

Inside the house, Shikakhu sighed, hearing his wife's squealing. Muttering a troublesome under his breath, he stood up from his seat at the table and made his was over to the door, still in his usual slouched manner.

Getting to the door, he did a double take as he saw the group of Uchihas with the Namikaze kid standing on his door staring at his wife in an almost worried way. Turning to his wife, he once again did a double take as he saw the kid in his wife's arms, was that pink hair?!?! And it looked natural, was that even possible?

Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things, he looked at his wife again to confirm that yup, she was holding a small pink haired girl in her arms, squeezing her dangerously tight while said girl was confused while trying to save the tray in her arms.

"Yoshina....put the poor girl down, and let our guests in." Shikhaku said, sighing when Yoshina glared at him in response and held said girl possessively to her chest. 'This is going to be troublesome' Shikhaku thought. Everyone knew about Yoshina's obsession with the color pink, heck she'd even dyed her chunin vest pink, but now, with the kids combination of pink hair and Kawaii little kid features...well....Yoshina just reached another level of pink crazy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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