The Enemy of my Enemy

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I go to work like usual and definitely glad that Santana and Brittany had a date today or she would be spying on us.

I notice that Blaine and the Mr. Smite person were ordering their drinks. Then something Sebastian said caught my attention. "... and a shot Courvoisier."

"Did you seriously ask for that? Well coming up Madam."

"Oh I didn't realize you worked here"

"Yeah well some people can't snap their fingers and have food on the table McCarthy." I say as I hand Blaine his coffee. "And don't worry princess they're wearing gloves so their peasant dirt doesn't give you one of our pitiful diseases."

Before I gave him his cup I took off the lid and got my bottle and poured some Courvoisier that I definitely didn't steal from Blaine into the coffee"There you go Miss. Scythe"

Once my shift was over I see them sitting across from each other. Blaine looked embarrassed while Sebastian had his signature smirk. I pulled over a chair so I could sit beside Sebastian when I noticed Hummel walk right beside Blaine. "Who's really great?"

Blaine looks at the Sebastian and Kurt trying to figure out what to say. "You! We were just talking about you. Sebastian this is Kurt, my boyfriend who I was just..." He was trying to hide something but he isn't getting away from me that easily.

"Got it." Kurt and Sebastian shook hands even if it felt like they were both gonna duel and I know exactly what the prize would be.

"Pleasure. And how do we know Sebastian?"

"We met at Dalton and I was dying to meet Blaine. Those Warbler won't stop talking about him. Didn't think he could live up to all the hype but as it turns out..."

I flail my arms hitting Blaine's coffee making it spill on him. "I'm so sorry I'm such a klutz here." I give him my jacket that I had around my waist. He left and I nudged Kurt. "You should probably go help Blaine get the stain out." Once I knew he was in the bathroom I sat in Blaine's seat.

"What's the point in trying to get the stain out if he's gonna cover it with sweatshirt anyways?"

"Because I can't have Kurt here while we plan of a way to get him jealous. Duh."

"How do you know I want him jealous? What if I just want to be friends with him?"

"Cause you have a crush on Blaine." He gave my a smirk but he never denied it.

"So what were you thinking of us doing?"

"Well I thought you could suggest something that Blaine might be interested in doing but not Kurt like...."

"A gay bar." We said at the same which i got to say. It made me a bit flustered.

I got a piece of paper out my purse and quickly wrote something on it. I gave it to him but he looked confused. "What's this for?"

"It's my number so you can text me how mad Kurt was.... well that or if... if you need a ride." I was trying to keep my composer but I was slowly cracking.

"They're coming back." He said so I sat beside him again. When they sat down Kurt just wouldn't let go of Blaine. "Hey what are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"Well we're rehearsing for the school musical. Then at bedtime we do a rigorous skin sleuthing regiment over the phone together."

"And as sexy as that sounds... What do say we shake things up? I could get us a couple of fake IDs and we head over to Scandals in West Lima."

"Scandals. That's the gay bar."

"The last time I was there I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor."

"That's so sweet and are you two still together?"

"Sadly no, we broke up about twenty after we met. Come on guys live a little."

"We would love to Sebastian but what about Lily?"

"Oh don't worry about me. I have to stay at home since my cousin is coming."I lied.

"I'm sorry Sebastian but I still don't really think that's our thing...."

"Let's do it." Kurt surprisingly agreed to it. "Yeah I mean we have a whole bunch of first to start crossing off our list." He quickly glared at Sebastian so Blaine didn't see it. "We're in."




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