Why Him?

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"I'm confused. I thought you were going to Santana's tonight to celebrate."

"Well I thought I should spend time with my other best friend."

"Really? It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Nick sent me a picture of you kissing Sebastian. It says and I quote 'Hot damn.' So is the real reason you're not going to Santana's is because you cheated on her?" He showed me the picture that Nick sent him.

' So is the real reason you're not going to Santana's is because you cheated on her?" He showed me the picture that Nick sent him

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"I can't be cheating on her if I'm NOT dating her in the first place. Just because we're two lesbians that sometimes sleep in the same bed doesn't mean we're together. The real reason I didn't go to her place is because she also caught me kissing him. I knew that was all she was gonna talk about."

"Are you sure you're a lesbian cause that kiss says otherwise."

"Can we just change the subject? How was Kurt at Scandals?"

"It was an.... Interesting experience."

"Oh do te-" I got interrupted by my phone vibrating. I turned it on to see Sebastian texting me.

Seb: So now that we have the first kiss out of the way...
Seb: Why don't we go on our first date?

I looked up at Blaine and showed him the message. I actually didn't know what to do. It would be my first official date.

"You should at least give it a chance. If you don't like it then you can end it but you won't know until you try."

"Why is my younger brother giving me advice?"

"You're only a month older than me"


Me: only to see if this can work

Next day

"Should I wear this or this?" I ask Blaine.

"I don't but Kurt might have an idea what to do."

"Just give me your opinion." I demanded.

"They both would look good."

"Now I wish Kurt was here." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well good thing I-" He got interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I got up and opened the door to see a certain weasel.

"You invited him without me knowing???"

"But you admitted that you needed him"

"I fucking hate you"

"Love you too"

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath. "So what do you think I should wear?"

"The red one since the plaid gives it a casual look but since it's actually dress it still looks like you tried. The red might also remind him of Dalton which might make him feel a little more comfortable."

"Might as well make me wear a blazer" I mumbled. "What about the blue dress"

"Trust me that dress would make you look like your trying to get to third base and if that does happen he'll probably leave you in the morning."

"Help me with my makeup before I put you six feet under"

He mumbled something before he walked out the room to find the bathroom. I got changed in the dress and went into the bathroom.

"Are you sure you want to start dating the enemy?" Kurt ask

"Aww is Ms. Hummel actually worried for me. That's so sweet of you." I teased.

"I'm serious Lilian he could be bad news."

"Key word is could. You don't know him and you have no control over what I do. You may be my best friend's boyfriend but doesn't mean we're anywhere close to being friends."

"Then do it for the team because is the enemy the best thing you can do right now?"

"Well I'm gonna go whether you like it or not." I slammed the bathroom door and waved Blaine goodbye. Kurt was not gonna make me second guess what I want.

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