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        As Nic ran through the forest with crazy speed, he could not help but think what led him to this position. Well, it all started weeks ago, he was dressed in rather fancy clothes for his taste but, he made sure it showed off his tan complexion nicely, hoping it would help bring his victims to him. His hair was set neatly into place, his dark eyes being careful no one was watching as he skillfully moved through the droves of people, his black tail safely hidden underneath his clothes, the point of his tail resting against his back. Iniquitous tavern, which only the wealthy could afford, was buzzing with activity that day it was the perfect condition for picking up extra cash. Nic, who the people viewed as just a mere robber, was covertly snatching gold coins from the pockets of his unsuspecting targets.

         Scanning the room for a good target when the robber spotted a young lady across the room lavished in jewels. Swiftly, he moved towards her smiling in a friendly manner. Nic talked with her as his hand slipped into the women's pocket. Suddenly she gasped. His first thought was she caught him red handed, but suddenly, she fell to the floor. To bystanders, it looked like the robber was also the murderer. Standing there inert Nic could tell the real cause was asphyxiation, but no one would believe him, not now. It did not help the robbers cause that he had pulled a stiletto from her pocket instead of the coins he was so desperately hoping for. "Who was this lady?" Nic mumbled in a soft yet curious voice. He started hearing the murmurs and accusations of the crowd around him but, before anyone could realize who Nic was, he darted out of the tavern into the nearby forest. As quick as a cheetah he dashed between the trees.

         Days later he roamed the forest in reconnaissance. There was a bounty on his head not just for robbery but also for killing the young lady. Observing the strangers walking along the trail, he scoped out his next victims. After all a man needs money to survive. Soon Nic spot a rather lavish looking carriage, the last few he'd seen looked rather daul. Maybe he was finally catching a break, after the....incident? At least that's what he was choosing to call it. It was not murder, at least, not murder committed by him. It was a meer misunderstanding. He never had hurt anyone, let alone kill them.

         He snapped out of thought as the carriage passes under the tree he was waiting in. Making his move he pounced on the top of the carriage. Nic landed light as feather barely making any sound. Whoever was in the carriage could easily have thought that he was an acorn falling from the tree above. The thief listened quietly to the conversation of what sounded like two women. He kept listening to see if anyone else joined in. This way Nic would be prepared at what he might face in the room below him. The robber then peeked over the side and as quickly as a human could, he opened the door swinging inside of the carriage.

         The two ladies shrieked with fright when Nic landed in the carriage opening a bag, holding a sharp, gleaming dagger in his free hand. He looked at the lady's as his voice rang out "All your money and jewels in the bag please." giving them a charming yet wicked smirk. The two women hesitantly and shakingly put their coins in the bag and took off their jewelry. It was not as much as he was hoping for, but Nic knew that he did not have long before they were out of the forest. Closing the bag "Pleasure doing business with you lady's. I hope to see you again." Nic turned and leaped from the carriage rolling when he hit the floor to reduce his impact. He stood up and dusted himself off coughing from all the dust that was in the air. He laughed softly as he moved back into the shelter of the forest canopy.


         The woman was sarcastic as well as iniquitous. She had many slaves that worked in servitude because she was a woman of no mercy. To run from her, was to ask for a painful, yet colorful death. After she had killed off a few too many servants, they learned not to disobey her and to never turn their back to her. Although, she was not completely out of her mind. She had great taste on many subjects, such as food, artwork, or fashion. Her name was Celeste, which was a French name based on the Latin caelestis meaning 'heavenly', and her last name, well, her last name was unknown.

         Celeste had absolute authority over her kingdom, the Kingdom of Sagi-shi, she was a lion ruling over her pride. She was a beautiful women who could easily pass as on of the rulers of the stars. Her hair was a silky black with one side she dyed pure-diamond blonde. The two colors gave her a doll like look and her pale white skin added a more innocent vibe to her aura. Her cherry colored lips were plump and soft and she rarely wore makeup. It was "weird and uncomfortable" to quote her words.

         Before she gained the title of being Queen, she had many suitors lined up for her as a princess. Celeste being the cold-hearted lady she was, did not think she needed a man. They would only drag her down and keep her from accomplishing her real objectives. Besides, those men only wanted the title King and the wealth and fame of a prospering kingdom. So she gained the nickname Black-Heart, however it was also an alias. She hardly felt a thing for the others around her, but she was a woman who took care of her country. She was emotionless when it came to any kind of human relationships, but the relationships of business and of the court.

         Her relationship with war, however, was very strong. Celeste being a woman, many other countries and kingdoms underestimated her lust for war and often humored her with a battle. They kings would send an army, but nothing too big, just to humor her. How surprised they were when she showed up to the battle herself and destroyed the armies with ease, leaving all but one messenger to tell the king of their defeat. Soon after she conquered many other kingdoms, whether she was the attacker or the defender. Either way, Celeste was one of the best warriors in the world, and the fact she was a lone Queen of a prospering Kingdom only added to her fame. The lost Kingdom of Shagi-shi was now a well know war country.

         Celeste was like a pack leader. She held a cold front, but all the deep down she was a caring Alpha to her pack. And if you mess with the wolf, you get the fangs. She had two protruding fangs that retracted in and out of her mouth and her bite was legendary. And she did not take well with the bloodshed of her pups. Her people prospered for a reason, and her country was very populated for a reason. She kept her people safe, even with all the talk about how she is so cold, they all know she is the best of the best. She keeps her country a safe place, well from outsiders that is.

         Internal conflict was something that happened a lot in the Kingdom of Shagi-shi. They knew not the mess with her, the Queen who could execute you with just a wave of the hand, but that did not mean that the people did not fight with each other. Her Kingdom was named Shagi-shi for a reason, it meant 'deceivers' in Japanese. Her kingdom was full of con-men and women. They ripped each other off, fought over trivial affairs, and many workers went on strike against their boss. Alas, Celeste could care less about the affairs of her people. She kept them alive and they....actually they did nothing for her. She could have her own kingdom with no one to rule but still be the most feared. Alas she was always looking for a fight, even if it was one she could not win alone. 

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