Chapter 5

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Nic was taken to a room in the castle, that was far from anyone's curious eyes, it had no windows and was awfully bare, nothing but a bed in it. They weren't going to make the mistake of giving the thief a chance to escape. A pair of twins was sent to heal his wounds and nurse him back to health, just for him to be tortured and wounded again. The girls worked quickly, not wanting the queen to get angry with them. The twins worked on Nic for around an hour making sure the laceration on his back was stitched and properly dressed. When they had finished stitching him up and giving him some blood they left and two guards came in.

"Robert?" The first one gruffly questioned. He saw the wounded male and his tail that waved behind him. He masked his shock quickly before roughly grabbing Nic's arms and stood him up. "We are taking you to interrogation. We ask that you cooperate so we don't have to take you by force."

Nic was still weak from his wounds and was limited to minimal movement. Luckily, his teleportation power did not rely on his strength even if it was limited. He did not bother to say anything back, instead he nodded slightly. He was prepared to make an escape if the opportunity presented itself, but he did not get his hopes up. Knowing the queen she had given instruction so that he'd have no chance at teleporting away, If he would not have saved Bella, he could have saved himself. He could not believe his own foolishness, he saved a girl and doomed himself.

Nic was given the luxury of his sight when he was shoved out of the medical room. The guards kept a tight grip on him, in case he slips away. Celeste had sent him to an underground quadrant of her castle for one of two reasons. One, she had witnessed his powers and realized that he had to open the window to teleport the girl out. And two, it was closer to the interrogation room and she never liked waiting. Nic kept an eye out for any possible chance to escape. He would wait patiently for the chance to appear and he would take it.

He wasn't a fan of silence, even if he was walking towards his possible demise. If things went the way he wanted, he wouldn't even get the slight taste of this pain. Nic decided to break the silence with the guards. "You know you don't have to act like your taking me to my doom right? We can have conversations. I hate the silence, its so...boring."

The guards replied with a low grunt, one smirking in amusement and one holding an emotionless expression. Both remained silent, as if mocking Nic.

As they walked through the underground halls, Nic made sure to memorize all the doors he saw and all the turns they made. He had yet to find out that they were underground, since Celeste had the halls brightly lit and the marble floors continued throughout the castle. He noticed the guards that lined the corridors and did his best to memorize their shifts with the little time he had walking by. He noticed the one door that seemed fancier than the others. The guards would open the door to change shifts, but the guards just changed. He would have to wait.

The guards stopped at a seemingly normal chamber door. It was identical to all the other doors in the corridor and did not stand out in the least. The guards knocked on the door twice and then proceeded to enter. Nic was shoved into the room and the door slammed shut behind him. He was met with the all too familiar emotionless face of the Queen. Celeste sat on a cushioned chair that was lined with silver. Facing her, there was another twin chair. A mysterious cart sat next to her, a metal lid covered whatever was under and on top of the cart. The room was plain with white walls that reminded Nic all to well of a mental patient's room. He brought his attention back to the pale form of the Queen. She motioned for him to sit down.

Nic sat down slowly not wanting to test her patience anymore then he already had. He kept his eyes on Celeste. He was still weak and tired from before so he laid back into the chair slightly, despite his position he was not relaxed his body was tense.

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