Chapter 11: i smell drama!

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Jeff POV

It was to quiet and she wouldn't look at me! I was getting paranoid and thought she hated me! I sigh and smiled at myself. I look at her hands and i smiled more while having a plan! I grab her hand and held it and it caught her attention! She picks up her hand along with mine and looked at out hands intertwined. She smiled and my heart stated pumping. Me," hehe soooooooo.......About this morning....." she chuckled and smiled at me. (y/n)," you couldn't help it! Its okay! The same happened with lj! But you guys really have to give me heads up on these things!" i chuckled and she smiled more. Me," do you uh......Like me like ya know? Like me like me? Or do you like me but not like that?" i stopped and she stopped and looked at the sky. (y/n)," i don't know really............I mean with everything thats been going on i don't really know what i feel anymore! I feel like im empty with out you all with me..................Alone maybe.................A disgrace probably...............Or someone who everyone hates and want to get rid of even!" she looked like she was thinking- wait let me rephrase that! She was probably talking to the voices in her head! I smiled and then i saw smiles and he saw us and smiled. He came to us and tackled (y/n)! I was gonna yell at him but (y/n) was laughing cause smiles was licking her face.i relaxed and smiled as (y/n) giggles. I pet smiles thick coat and he got off her and she sat up. (y/n) and smiles forehead touched as (y/n) pet him. (y/n)," how did you know i was feeling sad smiles!" smiles licked her nose and she smiles. (y/n)," well im cheered up! Thanks smiles!" she stood up and smiles stayed brushed up against her leg. She chuckles and i smiled. I wrap my arms around her waist and look deeply into her eyes as she looks at me embarrassed. I smiled at her and she looks more confused. Me," what? I can't hug ya?" insane," ya can you just fucking caught us by surprise! Heads up next times ya fuck!" i chuckled and she smiles at me. (y/n)," dammit insane! Be nicer!" insane," deal with it fucker!" (y/n)," you basically called yourself a fucker!" she chuckles and i smile as she looks at me with those stapled blood shot and innocent eyes! (crap jeff like them psycho ones! Jk! I just wanted to be funny!) i felt so peaceful and so warm that nothing could've ruined it........Well almost nothing. I smiled and she was gonna speak but i kissed her and it caught her by surprise and her eyes changed blue. The staples disappeared and her eyes closed. She slowly kissed me back and i smiled on the inside. She pulled back and she walked back a few steps. (y/n)," *mumbles* dammit! What do i feel!" she grabbed the side of her head and had her eyes closed shut. Smiles stood up on her and nuzzled his snout on her shoulder. She opens her eyes and they're blood shot and red again with insanity or either psycho color. They staples reappear on her eye lids and smiles growled..........But he growled at me?! (y/n)," you can feel it too can't you smiles?" smiles looks at her and nods. Insane," good boy!" i didn't know what was happening and i just stood there confused. (y/n)," you know what's happening don't you?" smiles nods again and i was more confused. (y/n)," im gonna take smiles for a walk! Ill be back!" she ran and smiles followed her. Me," (y/n) wait!" i ran after her and i caught up to her and she looked pained. Smiles pushed me away and i got angry. Me," (y/n)! What's wrong! Let me help you!" i moved smiles aside as i refuse to hurt him. I run after (y/n) and she was changing. Her skin a demon blood color, black and swirled horns,demon wings that stretch to a foot, her eyes now golden, a black dress with a white circle and white x over it like slenders symbol. Then she stops and smiles brushed up against her legs. She grabs her head and her eyes change from (e/c) eyes to golden eyes. I grab her shoulders and she looks at me with her eyes still changing. A tail comes out and it swings from left to right,Her hair then changed to a dark red no longer (h/c). I was scared for her and she saw the worry in my eyes. (y/n) and insane" need h-help! Help us jeff!"

( get a piece of paper and write down only the bold ones! Then get the normal writing and write the normal together! Or if ya can just visualize it!)

daughter of the devil!: yandere nina(lj x female reader ×offender x jeff.) Where stories live. Discover now