PREFIX-Favorite big dog
Collie- Poppy
Pit bull- Tiger
Black lab- Black
Chocolate lab- Tawny
Yellow lab- Yellow
Golden retriever- Golden
Newfoundland dog- Long
Mixes- River
Other- RainSUFFIX-Favorite small dog
Shih tzu- legs
Mini poodle- fur
Schnauzer- Tail
Other- StreamFUR- Favorite cat breed
Siamese- Cream
Calico- Calico
Tortie- Tortie
Tabby- Golden
Persians- Tabby
Black tabby- Black
Mixes- Brown
Other-greyEYES- Favorite book genre
Fiction-Bright blue
Fantasy- White
Historical fiction- Yellow
Other- hazelDISTINCTIVE TRAIT-Favorite color
Blue-Long ears
Black-Long legs
Red- Sharp fangs
Purple- Long Sharp claws
Pink- ScarsKIN- Favorite movie/tv genre
Horror- Evil kin
Fantasy- Happy sweet kin
Drama- Dramatic diva kin
Mystery/thriller- mysterious unknown kinYOUR ATTITUDE- Fav emoji
Happy emoji- Happy
Devil emoji- Evil
Annoyed emoji- Annoyed easily
Crying emoji- Misunderstood
Other- BipolarYou pick the gender
I got Longlegs who is a golden furred cat with long legs and green eyes, she is misunderstood, mostly because she has an evil kin.
What did you get? :3