Chapter Thirteen: Euphoria

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I wake up in my apartment with tears rolling down my cheeks. I look around and see the same kitchen. The same front door. The same television. The same bed. The same balcony door. The same everything.

I open my curtains and yet again, no Anzai. I sit up from my bed and rub my eyes as I grab my phone and turn it on. All I had was a text from Naoko, my new friend Tsukasa Taira, Gianna, Sage, and Lee.

Naoko: I won't be home for the next month unfortunately. I'll be back in America for extra spring training. I'll be home soon though. I love you❤️

Tsukasa: Let's go out for coffee this morning! I just recently saw this new shop and it looks really good!

Gianna: Have you been okay lately? You've been coming to school with puffy eyes and we're all worried about you.

Sage: Hey, girl! Let's go shopping soon! You need to get out there again!

Lee: Naomi-san, the leader of Public Security is wanting to speak to you as soon as possible to talk to you about getting Division 5 Squad F back

I grab clothes from my dresser to get ready to go out for coffee with Tsukasa then going to visit Akimura. I haven't seen him in almost 2 years and I've been getting written messages from him, that he misses me and wants to see me.

I get in the shower and start to wash my hair as I stood there, contemplating, deeply. I've been having more and more dreams of me seeing Anzai again, but so far it hasn't happened. It makes me sad every time I wake up.

Because I know it's going to be a long time before I see him again. Even though the same exact dream will and always continue to occur until the day I see him again. I miss him too much.

I finish my shower then I start brushing my teeth and doing my hair, literally just putting my hair in a messy bun. I was wearing an oversized tan sweater, dark denim jeans, white converse, my glasses, and no makeup on.

I grab my phone and purse then leave my apartment. I walk out of my apartment complex and walked a little ways to the coffee shop Tsukasa talked about.

The whole devil protest had calmed down a lot after my speech and now I'm either criticized or questioned about my beliefs. That was only right after the speech however. Now, the Red Eye Protection bill is thinking about being dropped.

The case when Anzai bit me didn't make things better, but I explained that was my own decision and that I don't regret it.

"Naomi-san!" Tsukasa calls out as I walk in.

She waves me down then I walk over to her and sit across from her and give her a quick hug.

"How have things been with you lately?" I ask Tsukasa.

"It's been really good!" She answers as the waitress walks over.

She orders a tea while I ordered a caramel latte then I look back at her.

"So far, I'm passing the class your cousin's teaching, good thing she favors you." Tsukasa tells me and I smile then nod.

"Yeah, she's known for favoring students, but swears she doesn't." I agree.

"Are you going somewhere after this?" She asks me and I nod. "Are you going to city hall again?!" She asks me in excitement and I shake my head.

"Not today, no." I answer then I take a sip of my latte. "I'm going to a prison that incarcerates only devils. The place where Tamaki Anzai is imprisoned." I answer and Tsukasa's eyes widen.

"Why are you going there?" She asks me, quietly.

"My ex-boyfriend is incarcerated there and he's been sending me letters the pass few months, asking me to visit him. So, I'm heading there to see him and staying in Hokkaido for a few days, just to take a small vacation." I explain then she nods.

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