Thank You

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Hello friends. I am back with another shit show of a story.

its rushed and probably boring but this has been on my mind for like a good couple of weeks and i need it out of my head to study and stuff. 

so yeah.

Very much influenced by Seventeen's 'Thank You'.

[Trigger Warning] this fic explicitly talks about self-harm and cutting. If you're not comfortable with this or any other thoughts revolving around depression, I suggest you do not read this fic.

I feel warmth engulf me, a pair of slim arms snake around my waist, soft breaths wafting over my collarbone. I open my eyes, lips curving up into a small smile when I feel you nuzzling closer to me. It’s warm.

You looked so calm, so serene. You looked like a child; the air of innocence around you was almost overwhelming. I could feel my heart beat grow louder.

How long has it been? It feels like only yesterday we were kids running around the playground. You were beautiful then, too. The first time I saw you I thought you were an angel. You were so shy, so quiet. But you were always so caring. You hated it when our friends would make fun of each other. You treated everyone so equally. I was 5 then and you were 8 but it felt like we were just about the same age because you never treated me like a child. You always asked for my thoughts and opinions, always letting everyone else hear what I thought.

I don’t know when I first fell for you or when I first saw you more than I saw a friend, a sister. I remember being confused; confused by the tugging I felt in my heart when I saw you smile, the sharp pain that pierced through my heart when I saw you cry, and the overwhelming joy I felt when I made you laugh. I remember running to you whenever I heard your voice and you would always welcome me with open arms.

I was only so playful back then.


“Joohyun unnie!” Wendy cheers before running towards the older girl, arms tightly wrapped around the raven haired girl’s stomach and head nuzzling into the girl’s torso. “I missed you!”

Joohyun smiles, her hand gently petting the tiny girl’s head with a gentleness that only a mother could have.

“I missed you too, sport” she beams back, giving the girl a half hug because she couldn’t bend down due to the younger’s arms wrapped around her. “What have you been up to while I was gone?”

“I made this for you.” Small hands reach to grab a small piece of cardstock decorated with every colour of the rainbow.

“Aww, it’s beautiful” Joohyun takes card gratefully, both hands holding onto them as if she was accepting a business card. She bows her head before smiling at the younger. “Thank you, Seungwan-ah”

Wendy beams, lightly jumping up and down in happiness before going back to tackle the girl with one of her infamous hugs.


I was only so young back then. I didn’t know how to express my feelings. I didn’t even understand them back then.


“Unnie?” Wendy mutters out into what seemed to be an empty science lab. Her steps are light as she trots over to the middle of the room.

“I’m over here!” a voice shouts.

Wendy turns to find one of the cupboards the in room were open, a person seemingly hiding behind it, their shoes only just sticking out past the door. The young brunette finds the older girl behind the door, on her knees as she tries to rummage through items inside a small box.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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