Spacing out

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Chapter 3: ~Spacing Out~

Kara's POV

I can't believe I'm in his car! Even after I almost let it slip too! I definitely don't want him to know my life story yet, I mean I just met the guy and granted, I am in his car but that doesn't really mean anything so I guess its okay. He doesn't seem like he will do anything maybe a kiss but I seriously doubt that he'll rape or kill me. Come on! The guy made a Disney reference for Pete's sake! How bad could he be?

"Are you okay?" I hear a warm, chocolaty voice next to me

I look up, confused. I was thinking to myself for like 15 seconds, why wouldn't I be okay? Maybe I zoned out, I tend to do that. Great, he probably thinks I'm thinking about him or something. I'll bet he thinks I don't like him.

Dammit, I want this to work out between us, maybe not marriage but I want to try a relationship at least once! Is that too much to ask for? I'm 18 and sure I've kissed someone but relationships? Boys are never interested.


Startled, I jump in my seat.

"What the heck did you do that for? Are you trying to give e a heart attack?! Do you want me to die before I even get a chance to kiss you?!

Oh my gawd, did I just say that?!

What is wrong with me?!

I'm sure my eyes are as wide as saucers right about now.

Looking up into the rearview mirror, my suspicions are confirmed.

I look at a sexy smirking beast in front of me who's just sitting there trying to hold in his laughter I bet.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

I didn't think my eyes could go any wider as he leans closer, getting a better look at my face, but they did.

I felt his hot breath on my ear, tickling me.

I felt myself shivering and I had no idea why.

"How about later when you're getting ready to leave?"

I frowned thinking about leaving.

Wait a minute! I barely even know Raphael and now I don't want to leave him? I need help if this is going to last without me doing anything I'll regret!

"You're doing it again K" His voice interrupts my thoughts, yet again

"What?" I ask confused. Have I been doing something I wasn't aware of?

He laughs and I feel the urge to record it because its the sweetest sound I have ever heard.

"You've been spacing out for this entire car ride. I've called your name like, 50 times now."

I can feel my face grow warm, and I'm sure its beet red.

"But anyway, its cool. We're here anyway."

Confused, I look up.

His house was nice to say the least. It wasn't a mansion but it wasn't exactly small either.

It had a blue picket fence, which I found awesome! and behind that a lovely porch with a swing and behind THAT was a white two-story house that looked expensive but not millionaire expensive. It looked like a normal middle-class house. It was gorgeous!

Suddenly, a pair of firm arms were under my knees and back, carrying me bridal style closer to the gorgeous house.

"Do you like the view? Cuz I'm loving mine." I feel his breath fan across my ears and tomy cheeks.

I look up, only to realize that he's staring at me.

Looking back to the gorgeous house I whisper a small yes and just continue my awe.

I've always wanted a house like this.

We've only ever lived in apartments or worn down houses.

Somehow managing to open the door while holding me, he carries me inside.

Immediately, I take in my surroundings. A staircase is to me left, kitchen to my right, hallway straight ahead of me leading to the living room. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

I feel myself getting lowered to the ground yet he never lets go.

Instead he holds me in place, chin on my shoulder, hands around my waist.

"Now about that kiss" and way to fast I'm turned around, pushed against the wall and staring into the most beautiful pair of gray-blue eyes I've ever seen.

Slowly they flutter shut and I find my chance to escape. Running up the stairs I run all the way down the hallway to the very last room on my right, hearing a groan of protest coming from downstairs followed by fast footsteps becoming closer.

Squeezing my eyes shut and pressing myself flat against the wall as if that will make me invisible. I hear the door open and close and suddenly I'm glad I have a dresser in front of me...

Until I feel hands wrap around my waist and a soft "Gotcha" and then his lips were moving in sync with mine.


Okay if this works out I should have this story finished in a couple of months and I already have the entire story planned out

So little suggestions like they should do a Disney movie marathon or something I will try to incorporate... Did I spell that right? Incooperate Incorporate Incoperete... you get the jist

Anyway Thanks for reading

Please no hate mail

Im fragile and trying hard

hehe ok bye lovelies!!!


P.S. I am trying to change the cover but still a bit confused on how to get the cover I want... Just a forewarning

Hopedyou liked the chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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