Chapter 1

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Ding-ding-ding. The pet store door opened revealing a girl with short wavy black hair and pale-ish skin. She may have lacked height but her eyes shown with wonder. She stopped in the doorway and did a quick glance over. Her brown eyes landed on the only other person in the pet store. They were glancing at the dog food, muttering to themselves about which would be best for their not-so-distant-future-dog. They had shoulder length dark brown hair that looked almost jet black. Piercing brown eyes and was quite tall. Their wore an over sized turtleneck grey sweater and jeans. They also wore maroon converse and was holding a black wallet. Their hair was scattered across their shoulders and slightly frizzy. The girl continued to stand in the door way staring at the other person. The one in the dog food isle saw her in the corner of their eye and turned to smile. The girl became flustered and rushed to get down an isle- any isle. The human in the dog food isle just blinked in confusion. Before the girl ran off, they caught a glimpse of what she looked like. She wore a pastel sweater and black jeans. She was holding a tan wallet and wearing grey knee high boots.

The first isle the girl found was the cat isle. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath 'serenity pull yourself together!!' . She turned around to the soft sounds of a cats meow, she was met face-to-face with a solid white kitten. Almost solid white kitten, their left front paw was a light grey. "awwww! You are cuteee!!" She stuck one of her fingers into the metal cage to pet the small kitten. It instantly rubbed against her finger. After a few seconds it started to purr.

Back in the dog food isle, "Okay Heather, which food will your future dog love??" Heather muttered to no one in particular. Heather continued to mutter about which dog food would be the best.

Back in the cat isle, Serenity continued to pet the small white and grey kitten. At least 20 minutes past since she's walked into the store and she's already managed to embarrass herself in front of a complete stranger and has fallen in love-with this kitten. Serenity slowly crept out of the isle, hoping not to be seen by the dark haired stranger, whom she has embarrassed herself in front of. She looked to one side and saw no one. She sighed a sigh of relief and walked out of the isle- only to crash into something- someone. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. She mentally cursed herself for her clumsiness and started to apologize to the person she had hit but her breath got caught in her throat. It was the very person she had tried hardest to avoid! She froze, unsure of what to do and starred wide eyed at the stranger- who shot her a confused glance and stuck out their hand. Serenity just looked at the hand in confusion, then it hit her like a bus. They wanted her to take the hand. She mentally slapped herself for being dumb and hesitantly took the hand. "Ummm are you okay??" The stranger asked, "huh? Ohh yea I am fine. Are you okay though?? I'm really sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and then crashed into someone, I really am sorry- great now I'm rambling! Get ahold of yourself Serenity!!" For the next few seconds they awkwardly stood there, "soooo, I take it your serenity??" Asked Heather, in response Serenity gave a simple nod followed by "yea.....umm what's your name?" "Heather, also would you happen to know the BEST type of dog food??" Serenity shook her head "I'm really more of a cat yea I don't- sorry" Heather shrugged, "no big deal" 'woahhhhh, they seem so nice! Maybe I no no no!! Serenity what happens if they says no? You'll be so embarrassed!! But I- just do it Serenity!' "So umm, Heather, do you want to like go get coffee sometime??" Heather gasp, "SERENITY!!! THIS IS A PET SHOP AU!! NOT A COFFE SHOP AU!!! ARE YOU CRAZY??" This was when Serenity knew she fucked up..... "Ummm, I mean....umm? Do you want to umm, hangout??" Heather flashed her a smile "sure why not??" Serenity was filled with joy, and in the moment she ran up and hugged Heather who became tense. Realizing what she had done, Serenity pulled away "oh um sorry, I just kinda got excited and then it just hap-" she was cut off by Heather hugging her, she was surprised then hugged them back with a big smile plastered on her face.

-first chapter dooooone!!-
It only took like a year and a half....heh. So yea, just know that there will be slow updates. And there may be a few plot twist and I'll try to make it as interesting as possible and just keep in mind I usually don't write romance, just read them. Typically I write adventure, fantasy, or like depressing shit.
              Goodbye for now ducklings!!
                                   ~Author Yuuna

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