Chapter 2

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Heather was supposed to meet Serenity at pet shop at 4:08 pm. It was now 4:12 pm and Serenity was no where to be seen.

 Heather started to become nervous, even though it was only a few minutes their mind went crazy. 'What if she doesn't show?? What if this is a cruel twisted sick joke?? What if she is here to kill me?? What if sh-'  ding-ding-ding. Heather's head jerked up and there she was. She stood in the doorway and looked around. Her eyes landed on Heather and she smiled. Heather got this strange  feeling inside and tried to suppress it- but each time they tried it came back twice as hard. Heather didn't know how to describe this feeling  other than warm. 

They spent the next few moments just looking at each other, in a slight awkward silence. All of a sudden Heather burst into laughter, Serenity's face shown an expression called confusion. "w-what's so funny??" Serenity questioned as she was eyeing the brown haired giant in front of her. "Ohhhh um nothing??" It sounded more like a question than a statement. Serenity shrugged. She grabbed Heather's arm and started to run, bringing Heather along. Heather's face flushed a deep red, "S-serenity where are w-we going?" Heather stuttered out. Serenity smiled and answered with "I want you to meet a friend" and gave a small laugh as if it was a joke. 'a friend? Like a...?  which means she....' 

Heather stopped running. Serenity turned back "what's wrong??" Heather looked down and tried to stop the tears- then looked up and held a face void of all emotions "I was a fool to think you would ever look at me in such a way..." Their voice was laced with venom "but Heather I-" Heather held up her hand as if to silence Serenity "no it's okay- I understand. It was nice while it lasted though. " Heather did a slight half smile and turned to walk away. Thus, leaving Serenity dumbfounded on what she had done wrong. 

"I just-" she attempted softly, "I just wanted to show you a cat!" She yelled to Heather who was halfway out of the door. Heather froze in the middle of the doorway, "W-what?" Their voice was shaky. Heather turned completely around "W-what did you just....?" Heather was now completely turned around- although still in the doorway in case this was a joke and needed a quick escape. 

"I said 'I just wanted to show you a cat'" Serenity said. Heather just stood there for a moment, starring at the girl liked she had grown a second head. "B-But you said- You said you wanted me to meet someone". A few seconds past and Serenity burst into fits of laughter. Heather just stood there- so very confused. A few minutes past by and Serenity was still laughing, "what's so funny?? Why are you laughing??" Serenity stopped laughing for a moment and looked Heather straight in the eyes "ohhhh um nothing??" she said innocently and sending them both into a laughing state. 

While Heather had finally let her guard down, Serenity had disappeared from where she was standing and reappeared inches away from Heather. "sooooo, why did you get so mad??" she asked while poking Heather in the arm. "Ummmmmm, legal reasons??" Serenity passed them a you-really-expect-me-to-believe-your-answer face and Heather looked away. "I want the truth" She demanded with so much authority Heather was afraid of what would happen if they said no. "okay fine! I got slightly jealous! Happy?!?" Serenity nodded her head and Heather rolled their eyes. "It's okay- I love you anyway, jealous of a cat or not!" Serenity muttered just barely loud enough for Heather to hear as she slid an arm around the confused giant and pulled them into a tight embrace. Heather was still in complete shock, and didn't even realize that they'd muttered an "I love you too" back until it was already said and had hugged the small human back.  

"Can I show you the cat now??" Serenity questioned with a big grin on her face, Heather sighed. You see Heather was more of a dog person and didn't really care much for cats. But when they'd seen the small white and grey in the arms of Serenity- Heather became a cat person.

YOYOYOYOYO DUCKLINGS!! It is I- Author Yuuna! SOOOOOOOOOoooooooo???? great? no. Terrible?? yes. okkkay!! 

so I would like to thank everyone- my friends, family, teachers, classmates,Mr. Wall, and  strangers at the grocery store

FOR NOTHING!!! Because I did all the work and they did nothing- so I am taking all of the credit. 

                    ~Author Yuuna

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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