Chapter 39 - Peculiarities

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This chapter has been translated by Fabled Forest. All credits belong to them.

"Overlord Qi, please help yourself. This is one of our regional specialties. You must have a taste; it's quite unique," their host said jovially from across the table, waving a hand over the food on a naked girl.

Qi Mo's keen, sharp gaze traveled over the body. The indiscernible expression in his eyes made it seem like he was inspecting a corpse instead of admiring a live body.

When a few moments had passed and he still had yet to make a move, the Wind Clan host grinned and said, "Overlord Qi, all of these women have gone through meticulous sanitization procedures. I guarantee their cleanliness — furthermore, they are untouched virgins. You know what they say... 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' You won't regret your decision."

Qi Mo eyed his host stonily, then looked back down at the woman's body. As his eyes traveled slowly down the smooth white flesh, the girl began trembling visibly. Li Xin could see beads of sweat form on her skin. She raised her eyebrows. It was hard to believe that the overlord's presence was so formidable that he could make the girl so fearful with just a glance.

"Feng Ji, is what you dragged us here for?" Black Falcon demanded. His face tightened threateningly and he threw a murderous glare at the host. "What the hell is this crap?"

The other man picked up on his guests' ire immediately. The fact was, although he was also a crime boss, being the Wind Clan's overlord meant nothing. His power was more limited than Qi Mo's righthand men; it was humiliating that Black Falcon could address him directly without the use of honorifics, yet there was nothing he could do except swallow the injustice. "Please forgive my faux pas," he said with an apologetic smile. "I will ask my men to clean this up immediately. Overlord Qi, please don't take it to heart."

As he finished speaking, he waved a hand at his people. Two men appeared from behind him and grabbed the edge of the table cloth without a word, rolling it off the table with the women still inside and tossing it out. At the same time, several other men came to fill the table with normal plates of food, and that was the end of the female body exhibition banquet.

Once the issue of food had been settled, Feng Ji sat with a wine glass in his hand. "Overlord Qi," he began, "from now on, the Wind Clan plans on making a living out here as well. If there's anything we can help you with, let us know, and we won't disappoint you."

The Qi Clan overlord let out an icy laugh and eyed him disdainfully. Southeast Asia was dominated by the Qi Clan; what would they need help from an ineffectual clan like theirs for? It was laughable that the man even had the audacity to suggest what he did. There was no way they stood up against the Qi's. Feng Ji was a very confused man, Qi Mo thought to himself.

"Feng Ji, I think you got your words switched around," Red Falcon replied.

"My mistake," Feng Ji laughed. "My mistake. I was simply demonstrating to the overlord where we stand. We are, after all, all foreigners in this place. It's natural that we should have each other's backs. The Qi Clan is powerful, and the Wind Clan isn't completely useless. Who knows, you might have need for us someday."

Qi Mo smirked. "Is that what you think?"

Feng Ji's smile didn't waver. "Of course," he replied. At a wave of his hand, the women that were still kneeling in the room came forward. They possessed different auras — some of them were innocent and pure, and others had an air of sexual maturity; they were all top quality.

They knelt before Qi Mo and Feng Ji, all of them cloaked with seductiveness, and began serving the two men food from the table, their faces brimming with sweet smiles. Li Xin sighed regretfully to herself. If only there were hot men to serve her... that would be a dream.

She was still daydreaming about the possibility when there was a sudden commotion coming from Qi Mo's end of the table. There was a cracking noise as he reacted to the girl serving him — his hand shot out towards her like lightning and when it left, her hand was dangling from her wrist at an odd angle. "Scram."

It had all happened to quickly, the girl barely registered what was going on. At his voice, she seemed to come to her senses and began screaming, clutching her broken hand.

Li Xin froze, startled. If she hadn't been mistaken, the girl had accidentally touched his hand while serving him. He had lost his temper just because of that, what the hell?

Meanwhile, Feng Ji's face darkened. "What is wrong with you lot?" He asked the women angrily. "You don't even have any basic manners, what are you doing here? How dare you touch my guest?" He turned towards his men. "Get them out of here and deal with them appropriately."

The girls, who had all turned white with fear, were dragged and kicked out of the room by Feng Ji's men, all of whom were cold and stoic and showed no mercy. All the occupants of the room could hear the girls outside begging for their lives and screaming. Li Xin frowned.

Qi Mo didn't react at all; he was otherwise occupied, glaring hatefully as he shook off his suit and wiped his hand where it had made contact with the girl before tossing the garment far away from him. "Your people," he ground out to Feng Ji, seething.

"Do you want to die?" Yellow Falcon, who had been mostly quiet, suddenly chimed in, locking Feng Ji in a deadly stare.

Beads of sweat formed on their host's forehead. He pushed himself up hurriedly so that he stood before Qi Mo. "Overlord Qi, don't take offence. My people are incapable. I'm fully aware of your customs and would never go against them. I've only just taken on this position, and all the servants here didn't originally belong to me. I even took the time to brief them on your rules too! These useless bastards — I will punish them accordingly for your sake." His hands gestured wildly, although his eyes suddenly landed on Li Xin, who had yet to say anything.

She stiffened and turned to look at Qi Mo curiously. So the overlord hated coming into contact with women, was that one of his rules? Then what was she doing with him? Not to mention he slept with her every single night. What was going on?

Qi Mo's eyes were filled with resentment. He glared at Feng Ji, noting the suppressed resentment beneath the other man's stern dedication. "You wouldn't dare offend my rules even if you had the courage," he said in a tight voice.

Feng Ji nodded quickly. "Yes, yes. No one in the crime world would go against your rules. I will definitely deal with this appropriately."

Qi Mo said nothing, although his face was still dark with rage. Feng Ji's people let out a breaths of relief. The Qi Clan's overlord was temperamental and unpredictable; it was an unspoken rule in the criminal underworld that he never went near women and it was unacceptable to provide him with women if they invited him to any social function.

It was just that ever since a few days ago, a female had miraculously appeared by his side, and she was there in flesh on this day. Feng Ji had thought that the unspoken rule was no longer in place; he hadn't expected Qi Mo to lose his temper so ferociously.

"Get me another shirt," Qi Mo grunted to Li Xin.

She scooted out of her chair immediately, thankful for an excuse to finally leave the uncomfortable scene. She sent a silent blessing to Qi Mo and left the room with quick steps.

Once outside, she walked quickly back to the car to grab him a new shirt. As she turned to walk back into the building, she had yet to step foot through the main entrance when it opened automatically and she was greeted immediately by a row of guards who saluted her respectfully. She frowned as a thought passed briefly through her mind: The building was definitely chock full of surveillance cameras. Otherwise, they wouldn't have known of her approach in advance.

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