Finally Home

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The world stops. You breathe slowly. A tear starts to form in you eye.


"Congratulations Mrs. Mr. Kim. You have a baby" the nurse smiles and y/n looks at Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes were widen and his eyes were sparkling from the tears that were about to come out.

"BABE!" Taehyung yells and swings is arms around y/n.

Y/n giggles and sobs into his chest. Y/n could feel Taehyung's heart beating against her chest.

"I don't know what to say" y/n says and wipes her tears away to kiss Taehyung.

"They baby is two weeks old" the nurse smiles.

"Thank you so much" y/n says.

The nurse leaves the room to leave you alone.

"A BABY" Taehyung says and looks at your stomach. He wipes the tears and bends down to your stomach. Once you realize what he's doing, you instantly sob.

"Taehyung, you're making me cry even more" you say I as you hide your face with your hands.

"Hey little guy, I cant wait to meet you" Taehyung says and kisses your stomach.

The tears just kept filling your eyes and you can barely see.

Taehyung place little kisses and you giggle and hold your stomach.

There's a human in you, and Taehyung is the father..


"Y/n. We need to celebrate!" Taehyung says.

"We have to go back to Korea though, everyone is there" y/n says and starts packing the rest of the clothes.

"Hey" Taehyung grabs your hand and gently push you to the bed. "I'll do this. You go and rest, you had a big day today" Taehyung winks.

"I'm still strong" you stand back up but Taehyung just pushes you down again.

"Nope. From now on, I'll be doing all the work around the house and you just rest and eat healthy." You smile at him and starts packing up.

The baby is only a two weeks but he's already being a great father.

"Taehyung" you call out and he looks at you. "Thank you for being here for me, and loving me even when I'm an annoying and act childish"

"Y/n" he starts and sits next to you. "You know I'll always be here for you and our child. He kisses your forehead and you close your eyes from the nice feeling.

"I'm just so grateful to have you. I can't just believe this is all happening." You say. "I still can't get over the fact that we're married already"

"You should believe it." Taehyung says and gets back on his feet to pack up the clothes and gadgets.

You smile and lay down on the bed. You gently rub your stomach in circular motions and smile to yourself. You felt like fan-girling like a little 5 year old,  but you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of Taehyung.


It is now the next day and both Taehyung and y/n are about to leave to go home back to Korea. They were both excited to leave the bad memories. But some memories were the best you've even made, and you couldn't wait to make even more.

Everything seemed like a dream, but in reality, you're just facing the challenges in life that were there waiting for you, and you passed those challenges.

Jackson and Woozie are both there with you guys. You decided to pay for their flights since they did help you.

You wanted to leave, but at the same time, you just wished you can go back in time to where you didn't have to go all through this, but that would also mean you wouldn't have your child.

So in this case, you didn't regret anything. You're just living the future that was placed in front of you.

You were entering the plane with Taehyung and the rest behind you. You felt like they were your bodyguards.

Taehyung and y/n sat next to other, while the siblings sat next to each other.

You put your earphones in and listen to your favorite song. You held Taehyung's hand he smiles.


After hours of being in the plane, you finally land at korea.

You breathe in the fresh air.

Jackson and Woozie both smile to each other as they were finally back home with no one to control them anymore. They can finally live peacefully.

All of you walk inside the tall building and find your luggage's. Yours was pink and Taehyung's was blue.

Jackson and Woozie both did the exact same thing and followed you out.

Right when you got out of the building with all your stuff in hand, there was a van parked in front of you.

You start to walk towards it, but Jackson pulls you back.

"What" you say out of confusion.

Without saying anything, he goes closer to the van and you got more confused.

"What's wrong" you say.

Someone comes out the van, someone you knew.

"Y/n!" Your dad yells and you start running towards the man to give him a big hug

"I missed you!" You say.

"I missed you too" your father smiles and quickly moves to the side to let you in the van.

Jackson sighs.

"I thought it was someone else" Jackson says. "I was making sure we were safe"

"Jackson we're in Korea, you don't have to worry about anything. We all left what happened at Thailand."

"What happened in Thailand" your dad joins in the conversation.

You turn to face him and his face turns into a worried one.

"You didn't tell him?" Jackson says and you just sigh and place a hand on your dad's shoulder.

Your dad looks even more worried.

"I'll talk about it when we're back at home" you simply say and faked a smile.

Your dad nods and turns over to the two men he was unfamiliar with.

"And these two are?" You dad says.

"Oh, sorry for my manners. I'm Jackson, I met y/n at Thailand, and that's Woozie, my brother"

"And you're here because-"

"Dad, let's just say they're the reason why I'm still breathing" your dad's eye widens and he just nods.

He walks to the driver's seat and everyone else puts their belonging at the back of the van.


I'm gonna take a week off. Your grandma is getting tired from all the exams lately

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